Castañeda's Narrative Of Coronado's Search For Quivira
Pedro de Castañeda, a member and chronicler of the Coronado expedition, wrote an account of Coronado's Expedition 1540-1542. In this account, Castaneda included his observations and experiences of Coronado's search for Quivira. The search for Quivira portion of Castenda's account is presented here, is from George Parker Winship's book, "The Coronado Expedition, 1540-1542". Winship's book is available at Project Gutenberg.
According to the Hanbook of Texas website by the TSHA, Castañeda's original account, "Relación de la jornada de Cíbola compuesta por Pedro de Castañeda de Nácera donde se trata de todas aquellos poblados y ritos, y costumbres, la cual fué el año de 1540, has been lost, but a copy made in 1596 is in the Lenox Library in New York City. The narrative appears most recently in both Spanish and English, edited by George Parker Winship."