[Lewis, December 1, 1805]
 December 1st 1805
 Cloudy morning wind from the S. E. sent out the men to hunt and examin
 the country, they soon returned all except Drewyer and informed me that
 the wood was so thick it was almost impenetrable and that there was but
 little appearance of game; they had seen the track of one deer only and
 a few small grey squirrels. these suirrels are about the size of the
 red squirrel of the lakes and eastern Atlantic States, their bellies
 are of a redish yellow, or tanners ooze colour the tale flat and as
 long as the body eyes black and moderately large back and sides of a
 greyish brown the brier with a brown bark and three laves which put
 forth at the extremety of the twigs like the leaves of the blackbury
 brier, tho is a kind of shrub and rises sometimes to the hight of 10
 feet the green brier yet in leaf; the ash with a remarkable large leaf;
 the large black alder. the large elder with skey blue buries. the broad
 leave shrub which grows something like the quill wood but has no
 joints, the leaf broad and deeply indented the bark peals hangs on the
 stem and is of a yelowish brown colour. the seven bark is also found
 here as is the common low cramburry-there is a wild crab apple which
 the natives eat this growth differs but little in appearance from that
 of the wild crab of the Atlantic States. but the fruit consists of
 little oval hurries which grow in clusters at the extremities of the
 twigs like the black haws. the fruit is of a brown colour, oval form
 and about double as large as the black haw; the rind is smoth and tough
 somewhat hard; the seed is like that of the wild crab and nearly as
 large; the pulp is soft of a pale yellow coulour; and when the fruit
 has been touched by the frost is not unpleasant, being an agreeable
 assed. the tree which bears a red burry in clusters of a round form and
 size of a red haw. the leaf like that of the small magnolia, and brark
 smoth and of a brickdust red coulour it appears to be of the evergreen
 kind.--half after one oclock Drewyer not yet arrived. heard him shoot 5
 times just above us and am in hopes he has fallen in with a gang of elk.
 [Clark, December 1, 1805]
 December 1st Sunday 1805
 Cloudy windey morning wind from the East, Sent out 2 hunters in the
 woods, I intended to take 5 men in a Canoe and hunt the marshey Islands
 above, found the wind too high & returned to partake of the dried fish,
 The day Some what Cooler than usial, but Scercely perceveable. began to
 rain at Sun Set and Continued half the night. my hunters returned
 without any thing Saw 2 gang of Elk a disagreeable Situation, men all
 employed in mending their leather Clothes, Socks &c. and Dressing Some
 Leather. The Sea which is imedeately in front roars like a repeeted
 roling thunder and have rored in that way ever Since our arrival in its
 borders which is now 24 Days Since we arrived in Sight of the Great
 Western Ocian, I cant Say Pasific as Since I have Seen it, it has been
 the reverse. Elegant Canoes
 [Clark, December 1, 1805]
 Sunday December 1st 1805
 A cloudy windey morning wind from the East, dispatched two hunters, I
 deturmined to take a Canoe & a fiew men and hunt the marshey Islands
 above Point William, the Wind rose So high that I could not proceed,
 and returned to partake the dried fish, which is our Standing friend,
 began to rain hard at Sun Set and Continud. my hunters returned without
 any thing haveing Seen 2 parcels of elk men all employed to day in
 mending their leather Clothes, Shoes &c. and Dressing leather.
 The emence Seas and waves which breake on the rocks & Coasts to the S
 W. & N W roars like an emence fall at a distance, and this roaring has
 continued ever Since our arrival in the neighbourhood of the Sea Coast
 which has been 24 days Since we arrived in Sight of the Great Western;
 (for I cannot Say Pacific) Ocian as I have not Seen one pacific day
 Since my arrival in its vicinity, and its waters are forming and
 petially perpetually breake with emenc waves on the Sands and rockey
 Coasts, tempestous and horiable. I have no account of Capt. Lewis Since
 he left me.
 [Clark, December 2, 1805]
 December 2nd Monday 1805
 Cloudy and Some little rain this morning I despatched 3 men to hunt and
 2 and my Servent in a Canoe to a Creek above to try & Catch Some fish-
 I am verry unwell the drid fish which is my only diet does not agree
 with me and Several of the men Complain of a lax, and weakness--I
 expect Capt. Lewis will return to day with the hunters and let us know
 if Elk or deer Can be found Sufficent for us to winter on, If he does
 not come I Shall move from this place, to one of better prospects for
 game &c. Joseph Fields came home with the marrow bones of an Elk which
 he had killed 6 miles distant, I sent out 6 men in a canoe for the
 meat, the evening being late they did not return this night, which
 proved fair moon Shineing night--This is the first Elk we have killed
 on this Side the rockey mounts a great deal of Elk Sign in the
 [Clark, December 2, 1805]
 Monday 2nd December 1805
 Cloudy with Some rain this morning I Send out three men to hunt & 2 &
 my man york in a Canoe up the Ke-ke-mar-que Creek in Serch of fish and
 fowl--I feel verry unwell, and have entirely lost my appetite for the
 Dried pounded fish which is in fact the cause of my disorder at
 present--The men are generally Complaining of a lax and gripeing--In
 the evening Joseph Field came in with the Marrow bones of a elk which
 he killed at 6 miles distant, this welcome news to us. I dispatched Six
 men in a empty Canoe with Jo. mediately for the elk which he Said was
 about 3 miles from the water this is the first Elk which has been
 killd. on this Side of the rockey mountains--Jo Fields givs me an
 account of a great deel of Elk Sign & Says he Saw 2 Gangs of those
 Animals in his rout, but it rained So hard that he could not Shoot
 them--The party up the Creek returned without any thing and informs me
 they could not See any fish in the Creek to kill and the fowls were too
 wild to be killed, this must
 [Clark, December 3, 1805]
 December 3rd Tuesday 1805
 a fair windey morning wind from the East, the men Sent after an Elk
 yesterday returnd. with an Elk which revived the Sperits of my men
 verry much, I am unwell and cannot Eate, the flesh O! how disagreeable
 my Situation, a plenty of meat and incaple of eateing any--an Indian
 Canoe Came down with 8 Indians in it from the upper village, I gave a
 fish hook for a fiew Wap-e-to roots, which I eate in a little Elk Supe,
 The Indians proceeded on down. wind Confines to blow, and Serjt. Pryor
 & Gibson who went to hunt yesterday has not returnd. as yet I marked my
 name & the day of the month and year on a large Pine tree on this
 Peninsella & by land Capt William Clark December 3rd 1805. By Land. U
 States in 1804 & 1805"--The Squar Broke the two Shank bones of the Elk
 after the marrow was taken out, boiled them & extracted a Pint of
 Greese or tallow from them--Serjt. Pryor & Gibson returned after night
 and informed me they had been lost the greater part of the time they
 were out, and had killed 6 Elk which they left lying haveing taken out
 their interals. Some rain this afternoon
 [Clark, December 3, 1805]
 Tuesday 3d December 1805
 a fair windey morning wind from the East the men returned with the Elk
 which revived the Spirits of my party verry much I am Still unwell and
 Can't eate even the flesh of the Elk. an Indian Canoe of 8 Indians Came
 too, those Inds. are on their way down to the Chit Sops with Wap pa to
 to barter with that nation, I purchasd. a fiew of those roots for which
 I gave Small fish hooks, those roots I eate with a little Elks Soupe
 which I found gave me great relief I found the roots both nurishing and
 as a check to my disorder. The Indians proceeded on down through emence
 high waves maney times their Canoe was entirely out of Sight before
 they were 1/2 a mile distance. Serjt. Pryor & Gibson who went hunting
 yesterday has not returned untill after night, they informed me that
 they had killed 6 Elk at a great distance which they left lying,
 haveing taken out their interals that they had been lost and in their
 ramble saw a great deel of Elk Sign. after eateing the marrow out of
 two Shank bones of an Elk, the Squar choped the bones fine boiled them
 and extracted a pint of Grease, which is Superior to the tallow of the
 animal. Some rain this evening I marked my name on a large pine tree
 imediately on the isthmus William Clark December 3rd 1805. By Land from
 the U. States in 1804 & 1805.
 [Clark, December 4, 1805]
 December 4th Wednesday 180151
 Some little rain all the last night and this morning after day the rain
 increased and Continued
 I despatched Serjt. Pryer & 6 men to the Elk which he had killed
 yesterday, with directions to Save the meet and take loads to the River
 below in the next great bend--a Spring tide which rose 2 feet higher
 than Common flud tides, and high water at 11 oClock to day--wind from
 the S. E in the after noon hard wind from South--rained all day,
 moderately the Swells too high for me to proceed down, as I intended, I
 feel my self Something better and have an appetite to eate Something
 [Clark, December 4, 1805]
 Wednesday 4th December 1805
 Some rain all the last night, this morning it increased with the wind
 from the S. E. I Set out Sergiant Pryor and 6 men to the Elk he had
 killed with directions to Carry the meat to a bay which he informed me
 was below and as he believed at no great distance from the Elk, and I
 Should proceed on to that bay as Soon as the wind would lay a little
 and the tide went out in the evening--the Smoke is exceedingly
 disagreeable and painfull to my eyes, my appetite has returned and I
 feel much better of my late complaint--a Spring tide to day rose 2 feet
 higher than Common flood tides and high water at 11 oClock--Hard wind
 from the South this evening, rained moderately all day and the waves
 too high for me to proceed in Safty to the bay as I intended, in Some
 part of which I expected would be convenient for us to make winter
 quarters, the reports of seven huntes agreeing that elke were in great
 abundance about the Bay below. no account of Capt. Lewis. I fear Some
 accident has taken place in his craft or party
 [Clark, December 5, 1805]
 December 5th Thursday 1805
 Som hard Showers of rain last night, this morn Cloudy and drisley rain,
 in the bay above the Showers appear harder. High water to day at 12
 oClock this tide is 2 Ins. higher than that of yesterday all our Stores
 again wet by the hard Showers of last night Capt Lewis's long delay
 below has been the cause of no little uneasiness on my part for him, a
 1000 conjectures has crouded into my mind respecting his probable
 Situation & Safty---rained hard. Capt Lewis returned haveing found a
 good Situation and Elk Suffient to winter on, his party killed 6 Elk &
 5 Deer in their absence in Serch of a Situation and game
 Rain continued all the after pt. of the day accompanied with hard wind
 from the S W. which provents our moveing from this Camp.
 [Clark, December 5, 1805]
 Thursday 5th of December 1805
 Some hard Showers of rain last night, this morning Cloudy and drisley
 at Some little distant above the isthmus the rain is much harder. high
 water to day at 12 this tide is 2 inches higher than that of yesterday.
 all our Stores and bedding are again wet by the hard rain of last
 night. Capt. Lewis's long delay below, has been the Sorce of no little
 uneasness on my part of his probable Situation and Safty, the repeeted
 rains and hard winds which blows from the S, W. renders it impossible
 for me to move with loaded Canoes along an unknown Coast we are all wet
 & disagreeable; the party much better of indispositions-. Capt. Lewis
 returned with 3 men in the Canoe and informs me that he thinks that a
 Sufficient number of Elk may be prcured Convenient to a Situation on a
 Small river which falls into a Small bay a Short distance below, that
 his party had Killed 6 Elk & 5 Deer in his rout, two men of his party
 left behind to Secure the Elk this was verry Satisfactory information
 to all the party. we accordingly deturmined to proceed on to the
 Situation which Capt. Lewis had Viewed as Soon as the wind and weather
 Should permit and Comence building huts &c.
 [Clark, December 6, 1805]
 December 6th Friday 1805
 Wind blew hard all the last night, and a moderate rain, the waves verry
 high, This morning the wind which is Still from the S W increased and
 rained Continued all day, at Dusk wind Shifted to the North and it
 Cleared up and became fare, High water to day at 12 oClock & 13 Inches
 higher than yesterday. we were obliged to move our Camp out of the
 Water on high grown all wet.
 [Clark, December 6, 1805]
 Friday 6th of December 1805
 The wind blew hard all the last night with a moderate rain, the waves
 verry high, the wind increased & from the S. W. and the rain Continued
 all day, about Dark the wind Shifted to the North cleared away and
 became fair weather.
 The high tide of today is 13 inches higher than yesterday, and obliged
 us to move our Camp which was in a low Situation, on higher ground
 Smoke exceedingly disagreeable.
 [Clark, December 7, 1805]
 December 7th Saturday 1805
 Some rain from 10 to 12 last night this morning fair, we Set out at 8
 oClock down to the place Capt Lewis pitched on for winter quarters,
 when he was down proceeded on against the tide at the point No. 2 we
 met our men Sent down after meet
 To point Adams is West
 To pt. Disapointment N 75 W
 They informed me that they found the Elk after being lost in the woods
 for one Day and part of another, the most of the meat was Spoiled, they
 distance was So great and uncertain and the way bad, they brought only
 the Skins, york was left behind by Some accident which detained us Some
 time eer he Came up after passing round the pt. No. 2 in verry high
 swells, we Stopd & Dined in the commencement of a bay, after which
 proceeded on around the bay to S E. & assended a Creek 8 miles to a
 high pt. & Camped haveing passed arm makeing up to our left into the
 Mt. St. Helens is the mountain we mistook for Mt. Reeaneer
 receved 2 Small Brooks on the East, extencive marshes at this place of
 Encampment We propose to build & pass the winter, The situation is in
 the Center of as we conceve a hunting Countrey--This day is fair except
 about 12 oClock at which time Some rain and a hard wind imedeately
 after we passed the point from the N. E which Continued for a about 2
 hours and Cleared up. no meat
 [Clark, December 7, 1805]
 Saturday 7th of December 1805
 Some rain from 10 to 12 last night, this morning fair, have every thing
 put on board the Canoes and Set out to the place Capt Lewis had viewed
 and thought well Situated for winter quarters--we proceeded on against
 the tide to a point about ____ miles here we met Sergt Pryor and his
 party returning to the Camp we had left without any meat, the waves
 verry verry high, as much as our Canoes Could bear rendered it
 impossible to land for the party, we proceeded on around the point into
 the bay and landed to take brackfast on 2 Deer which had been killed &
 hung up, one of which we found the other had been taken off by some
 wild animal probably Panthors or the Wildcat of this Countrey here all
 the party of Serjt Pryors joined us except my man york, who had Stoped
 to rite his load and missed his way, Sergt Pryor informed us that he
 had found the Elk, which was much further from the bay than he
 expected, that they missed the way for one day and a half, & when he
 found the Elk they were mostly Spoiled, and they only brought the Skins
 of 4 of the Elk after brackfast I delayed about half an hour before
 York Came up, and then proceeded around this Bay which I have taken the
 liberty of calling Meriwethers Bay the Cristian name of Capt. Lewis who
 no doubt was the 1st white man who ever Surveyed this Bay, we assended
 a river which falls in on the South Side of this Bay 3 miles to the
 first point of high land on the West Side, the place Capt. Lewis had
 viewed and formed in a thick groth of pine about 200 yards from the
 river, this situation is on a rise about 30 feet higher than the high
 tides leavel and thickly Covered with lofty pine. this is certainly the
 most eligable Situation for our purposes of any in its neighbourhood.
 Meriwethers Bay is about 4 miles across deep & receves 2 rivers the Kil
 how-d-nah-kle and the Ne tul and Several Small Creeks--we had a hard
 wind from the N. E. and Some rain about 12 oClock to day which lasted 2
 hours and Cleared away. From the Point above Meriwethers Bay
 to Point Adams is West
 to point Disapointment is N. 75° W
 [Clark, December 8, 1805]
 December 8th Sunday 1805
 a Cloudy morning, I took 5 men and Set out to the Sea to find the
 nearest place & make a way, to prevent our men getting lost and find a
 place to make Salt, Steered S 62° W at 2 miles passed the head of a Brook
 running to the right, the lands good roleing much falling timber, lofty
 Pine of the Spruce kind, & Some fur, passed over a high hill & to a
 Creek which we kept down 11/2 miles and left it to our right, Saw fish
 in this Creek & Elk & Bear tracks on it, passed over a ridge to a low
 marshey bottom which we Crossed thro water & thick brush for 1/2 a mile
 to the Comencement of a Prarie which wavers, Covered with grass &
 Sackay Commis, at 1/2 Crossed a marsh 200 yds wide, boggey and arrived
 at a Creek which runs to the right. Saw a gange of Elk on the opposit
 Side below, rafted the Creek, with much dificulty & followed the Elk
 thro, emence bogs, & over 4 Small Knobs in the bogs about 4 miles to
 the South & Killed an Elk, and formed a Camp, Covered our Selves with
 the Elk Skins. the left of us Bogs & a lake or pond those bogs Shake,
 much Cramberry growing amongst the moss. Some rain this evening we made
 a harty Supper of the Elk & hung up the balsa
 [Clark, December 8, 1805]
 Sunday December 8th 1805 Fort Clatsop
 We haveing fixed on this Situation as the one best Calculated for our
 Winter quarters I deturmin'd to go as direct a Course as I could to the
 Sea Coast which we Could here roar and appeared to be at no great
 distance from us, my principal object is to look out a place to make
 Salt, blaze the road or rout that they men out hunting might find the
 direction to the fort if they Should get lost in cloudy weather-and See
 the probibillity of game in that direction, for the Support of the Men,
 we Shall Send to make Salt, I took with me five men and Set out on a
 Course S 60 W proceeded on a dividing ridge through lofty piney land
 much falling timber. passed the heads of 2 brooks one of them had wide
 bottoms which was over flown & we waded to our knees crossed 2 Slashes
 and arrived at a Creek in a open ridgey prarie covered with Sackacomma
 this Creek we were obliged to raft, which is about 60 yards over and
 runs in a direction to Point adams, we discovered a large gange of Elk
 in the open lands, and we prosued them through verry bad Slashes and
 Small ponds about 3 miles, Killed one and camped on a Spot Scercely
 large enough to lie Clear of the Water. it is almost incredeable to
 assurt the bogs which those animals Can pass through, I prosue'd this
 gang of Elk through bogs which the wate of a man would Shake for 1/2 an
 Acre, and maney places I Sunk into the mud and water up to my hips
 without finding any bottom on the trale of those Elk. Those bogs are
 Covered with a kind of moss among which I observe an ebundance of
 Cramberries. in those Slashes Small Knobs are promisquisly Scattered
 about which are Steep and thickly Covered with pine Common to the
 Countrey & Lorel. we made a Camp of the Elk Skin to keep off the rain
 which Continued to fall, the Small Knob on which we Camped did not
 afford a Sufficiency of dry wood for our fire, we collected what dry
 wood we Could and what Sticks we Could Cut down with the Tomahawks,
 which made us a tolerable fire.
 [Clark, December 9, 1805]
 December 9th Monday 1805
 rained all the last night we are all wet, Send 2 men in pursute of the
 Elk & with the other 3 I Set out with a view to find the Ocian in our
 first direction, which Can be at no great Distance, I crossed 3 Slashes
 by wadeing to my knees & was prevented proceeding by the 4th which was
 a pond of 200 yds. we. I went around, and was Stoped by a 5th which
 apd. to be a rung Stream to the right. I then returned to the raft and
 recrossd. & proceeded down the Stream I first Struck about 2 miles &
 met 3 Indians, who informed me they lived on the See cost at a Short
 distance, I de-termd. to accompany them to their vilg. & we Set out,
 crossed the Stream, and 2 of the Indians took the Canoe over the
 wavering open rich plains for 1/2 a mile and we Crossed the same stream
 which run to the left, we then left the canoe and proceeded to the Same
 Stream which runs to the right and empties its Self into the See here I
 found their vilg. 4 Lodges on the west bank of this little river which
 is here 70 yards wide, Crossed in a Canoe & was invited to a lodge by a
 young Chief was treated great Politeness, we had new mats to Set on,
 and himself and wife produced for us to eate, fish, Lickorish, & black
 roots, on neet Small mats, and Cramberries & Sackacomey berris, in
 bowls made of horn, Supe made of a kind of bread made of berries common
 to this Countrey which they gave me in a neet wooden trencher, with a
 Cockle Shell to eate it with It began to rain and with a tremendious
 storm from the S. W. which lasted untill 10 oClock P M--when I was
 disposd to go to Sleep 2 neet mats was produced & I lay on them but the
 flees were So troublesom that I Slept but little Those people has 2
 plays which they are fond of one is with a Been which they pass from
 one hand into the other, and the oponent guess on this game the
 resquist nubr of the white Beeds which is the principal property--they
 other game is with round Pieces of wood much the Shape of the ____
 Backgammon which they role thro between 2 pins.
 [Clark, December 9, 1805]
 Monday 9th December 1805
 rained all the last night we are all wet, I directed 2 hunters Drewyer
 & Shannon to go in pursute of the Elk, with the other 3 men I
 determined to proceed on to the Ocian, & Set out on a Westerley
 direction Crossed 3 Slashes and arived at a Creek which I could not
 Cross as it was deep and no wood to make a raft, I proceeded down this
 Creek a Short distance and found that I was in a fork of the Creek, I
 then returned to raft on which we had Crossed the day. crossed and kept
 down about one mile and met 3 Indians loaded with fresh Salmon which
 they had Giged in the Creek I crossed yesterday in the hills, those
 indians made Signs that they had a town on the Seacoast at no great
 distance, and envited me to go to their town which envitation I
 axcepted and accompand. them, they had a Canoe hid in the Creek which I
 had just before rafted which I had not observed, we crossed in this
 little Canoe just large enough to carry 3 men an their loads after
 Crossing 2 of the Indians took the Canoe on theire Sholders and Carried
 it across to the other Creek about 1/4 of a mile, we Crossed the 2d
 Creek and proceeded on to the mouth of the Creek which makes a great
 bend above the mouth of this Creek or to the S. is 3 houses and about
 12 families of the Clat Sop Nation, we cross to those houses, which
 were built on the S. exposur of the hill, Sunk into the ground about 4
 feet the walls roof & gable ends are of Split pine boards, the dotes
 Small with a ladder to decend to the iner part of the house, the fires
 are 2 in the middle of the house their beads ar all around raised about
 21/2 feet from the bottom flore all covered with mats and under those
 beads was Stored their bags baskets and useless mats, those people
 treated me with extrodeanary friendship, one man attached himself to me
 as Soon as I entered the hut, Spred down new mats for me to Set on,
 gave me fish berries rutes &c. on Small neet platteers of rushes to
 eate which was repeated, all the Men of the other houses Came and
 Smoked with me Those people appeared much neeter in their diat than
 Indians are Comonly, and frequently wash theer faces and hands--in the
 eveng an old woman presented a bowl made of a light Coloured horn a
 kind of Surup made of Dried berries which is common to this Countrey
 which the natives Call Shele wele this Surup I though was pleasent,
 they Gave me Cockle Shells to eate a kind of Seuip made of bread of the
 Shele well berries mixed with roots in which they presented in neet
 trenchers made of wood. a flock of Brant lit in the Creek which was 70
 yds wide I took up my Small rifle and Shot one which astonished those
 people verry much, they plunged into the Creek and brought the brant on
 Shorein the evening it began to rain and Continud accompanied with a
 Violent wind from the S. W. untill 10 oClock P.M. those people have a
 Singular game which they are verry fond of and is performed with
 Something about the Size of a large been which they pass from, one hand
 into the other with great dexterity dureing which time they Sing, and
 ocasionally, hold out their hands for those who Chuse to risque their
 property to guess which hand the been is in-; the individual who has
 the been is a banker & opposed to all in the room. on this game they
 risque their beeds & other parts of their most valuable effects--this
 amusement has occupied about 3 hours of this evening, Several of the
 lodge in which I am in have lost all the beeds which they had about
 them--they have one other game which a man attempted to Show me, I do
 not properly understand it, they make use of maney peces about the
 Shape and size of Backgammon Pices which they role through between two
 pins Stuck up at certain distancies &.--when I was Disposed to go to
 Sleep the man who had been most attentive named Cus-ka-lah producd 2
 new mats and Spred them near the fire, and derected his wife to go to
 his bead which was the Signal for all to retire which they did
 emediately. I had not been long on my mats before I was attacked most
 violently by the flees and they kept up a close Siege dureing the night
 [Clark, December 10, 1805]
 December 10th 1805 Tusday
 A Cloudey rainy morning those people was Some what astonished, at three
 Shot I made with my little riffle to day, a gangu of Brant Set in the
 little river, I Killd. 2 of them as they Set, and on my return Saw a
 Duck which I took the head off of, the men plunged into the water like
 Spaniards Dogs after those fowls, after eateing a brackfast which was
 Similar to my Suppar, I attempted to purchase Some fiew roots which I
 offered red beeds for, they would give Scercely any thing for Beeds of
 that Colour, I then offered Small fish hooks which they were fond of
 and gave me Some roots for them, I then Set out on my return by the
 Same road I had went out accompd. by my young Chief by name Cus-ca-lar
 who Crossed me over the 3 Creek, and returned I proceeded on to my Camp
 thro a heavy Cold rain, Saw no game--at the Sea Cost near those Indins
 I found various kinds of Shells, a kind of Bay opsd. those people with
 a high pt. about 4 miles below, out from which at Some dists I Saw
 large rocks, as the day was Cloudy I could not See distinctly--found
 Capt Lewis with all hands felling trees, to build with, rained nearly
 all day, in my absence they men had bt. in the 6 Elk which was Killed
 Some days past 4 men complaining of being unwell from various causes
 [Clark, December 10, 1805]
 Tuesday 10th December 1805
 a Cloudy rainey morning verry early I rose and walked on the Shore of
 the Sea coast and picked up Several Curious Shells. I Saw Indians
 walking up and down the beech which I did not at first understand the
 Cause of, one man came to where I was and told me that he was in Serch
 of fish which is frequently thrown up on Shore and left by the tide,
 and told me the "Sturgion was verry good" and that the water when it
 retired left fish which they eate this was Conclusive evedance to me
 that this Small band depended in Some Measure for their winters
 Subsistance on the fish which is thrown on Shore and left by the tide-
 after amuseing my Self for about an hour on the edge of the rageing
 Seas I returned to the houses, one of the Indians pointed to a flock of
 Brant Sitting in the creek at Short distance below and requested me to
 Shute one, I walked down with my Small rifle and killed two at about 40
 yds distance, on my return to the houses two Small ducks Set at about
 30 Steps from me the Indians pointed at the ducks they were near
 together, I Shot at the ducks and accidently Shot the head of one off,
 this Duck and brant was Carried to the house and every man Came around
 examined the Duck looked at the gun the Size of the ball which was 100
 to the pound and Said in their own language Clouch Musket, wake, com
 ma-tax Musket which is, a good Musket do not under Stand this kind of
 Musket &c. I entered the Same house I Slept in, they imediately Set
 before me their best roots, fish and Surup-, I attempted to purchase a
 Small Sea otter Skin for read beeds which I had in my pockets, they
 would not trade for those beeds not priseing any other Colour than Blue
 or White, I purchased a little of the berry bread and a fiew of their
 roots for which I gave Small fish hooks, which they appeared fond of--I
 then Set out on my return by the Same rout I had Come out accompanied
 by Cus-ka lah and his brother as far as the 3d Creek, for the purpose
 of Setting me across, from which place they returned, and I proceeded
 on through a heavy rain to the Camp at our intended fort, Saw a bears
 track & the tracks of 2 Elk in the thick woods--found Capt Lewis with
 all the men out Cutting down trees for our huts &c. in my absence the
 Men brought in the Six Elk which was killed Several days ago-. 4 men
 Complaining of violent Coalds. three Indians in a Canoe Came up from
 the Clat Sop Village yesterday and returned to day. The Sea Coast is
 about 7 miles distant Nearly West about 5 miles of the distance through
 a thick wood with reveens hills and Swamps the land, rich black moald 2
 miles in a open wavering Sandy prarie, ridge runing parrelal to the
 river, Covered with Green Grass.
 [Clark, December 11, 1805]
 December 11th Wednesday
 rained all last night moderately, we are all employed putting up the
 huts, rained at intervales all day moderately employed in putting up
 Cabins for our winter quarters, one man with Turners, one with a
 Strained Knee, one Sick with Disentary & Serjt. Pryor unwell from
 haveing his Sholder out of place
 [Clark, December 11, 1805]
 Wednesday 11th December 1805
 rained all the last night moderately we are all employed putting up
 huts or Cabins for our winters quarters. Sergeant Pryor unwell from a
 dislocation of his Sholder, Gibson with the disentary, Jo. Fields with
 biles on his legs, & Werner with a Strained Knee. The rained Continued
 moderately all day.
 [Clark, December 12, 1805]
 December 12th Thursday 1805
 Some moderate Showers last night and this morning all hands who are
 well employed in building Cabins, despatched 2 men to get board timber,
 The flees so bad last night that, I made but a broken nights rest we
 can't get them out of our robes & Skins, which we are obliged to make
 use of for bedding Some rain to day at Intervales--all at work, in the
 evening 2 Canoe of Indians Came from the 2 villages of Clotsop below, &
 brought Wapitoo roots a black root they call Si-ni-tor and a Small Sea
 orter Skin all of which we purchased for a fiew fishing hooks & Some
 Snake Indian Tobacco. Those Indians appeare well disposed, I made a
 Chief of one & gave him a Small medel, his name is Conyear we treated
 those people well--they are tite Deelers, value Blu & white beeds verry
 highly, and Sell their roots also highly as they purchase them from the
 Indians abov for a high price
 [Clark, December 12, 1805]
 Thursday 12th December 1805
 All hands that are well employ'd in Cutting logs and raising our winter
 Cabins, detached two men to Split boards--Some rain at intervales all
 last night and to day--The flees were So troublesom last night that I
 made but a broken nights rest, we find great dificuelty in getting
 those trouble insects out of our robes and blankets--in the evening two
 Canoes of Chit Sops Visit us they brought with them Wap pa to, a black
 Sweet root they Call Sha-na toe qua, and a Small Sea Otter Skin, all of
 which we purchased for a fiew fishing hooks and a Small Sack of Indian
 tobacco which was given by the Snake Inds.
 Those Indians appear well disposed we gave a Medal to the principal
 Chief named Con-ny-au or Com mo-wol and treated those with him with as
 much attention as we could--I can readily discover that they are Close
 deelers, & Stickle for a verry little, never close a bargin except they
 think they have the advantage Value Blue beeds highly, white they also
 prise but no other Colour do they Value in the least--the Wap pa to
 they Sell high, this root the purchase at a high price from the nativs
 [Clark, December 13, 1805]
 December 13th Friday 1805 The Indians left us to day after brackfast,
 haveing Sold us 2 of the robes of a Small animal for which I intend
 makeing a Capot, and Sold Capt Lewis 2 Loucirvia Skins for the Same
 purpose. Drewyer & Shannon returned from hunting havg. killed 18 Elk
 and butchered all except 2 which they Could not get as night provented
 ther finding them & they Spoild.
 3 Indians in a Canoe Came and offered us for Sale Sinutor roots, fish &
 2 Sea otter Skins for Sale none of which we Could purchase. Some rain
 last night and this day at Several times, light Showers. we Continue
 building our houses of the Streightest & _____ logs, Sent out 2 men to
 Split timber to Covet the Cabins, and I am glad to find the timber
 Splits butifully, and of any width
 [Clark, December 13, 1805]
 Friday 13th December 1805
 The Clatsops leave us to day after a brackfast on Elk which they
 appeared to be very fond of before they left us they Sold me two robes
 of the Skins of a Small animal about the Size of a Cat, and to Captain
 Lewis 2 Cat or Loucirva Skins for the purpose of makeing a Coat.
 Drewyer & Shannon returned from hunting, haveing killed 18 Elk & left
 them boochered in the woods near the right fork of the river about 6
 miles above this place--in the evining 3 Indians came in a Canoe, and
 offered to us for Sale roots & 2 Sea otter Skins, neither of which we
 Could purchase this evening. Some Showers of rain last night, and to
 day Several verry hard Showers--we Continue to put up the Streight
 butifull balsom pine on our houses-and we are much pleased to find that
 the timber Splits most butifully and to the width of 2 feet or more.
 [Clark, December 14, 1805]
 December 14th Saturday 1805
 a cloudy day & rained moderately all day we finish the log works of our
 building, the Indians leave us to day after Selling a Small Sea otter
 Skin and a roabe, Send 4 men to Stay at the Elk which is out in the
 woods &c.
 [Clark, December 14, 1805]
 Saturday 14th December 1805
 The Day Cloudy and rained moderately all day we finish the log work of
 our building, the Indians leave us to day after Selling a Small Sea
 otter Skin and a roab, dispatch 4 men to the Elk out in the woods with
 derections to delay untill the party goes up tomorrow. all employd in
 finishing a house to put meat into. all our last Supply of Elk has
 Spoiled in the repeeted rains which has been fallen ever Since our
 arrival at this place, and for a long time before, Scerce one man in
 Camp Can host of being one day dry Since we landed at this point, the
 Sick getting better, my man York Sick with Cholick & gripeing
 [Clark, December 15, 1805]
 December 15th Sunday 1805
 I Set out with 16 men in 3 Canoes for the Elk proced up the 1st right
 hand fork 4 miles & pack the meat from the woods to the Cano from 4
 mile to 3 miles distance all hands pack not one man exempted from this
 labour I also pack my Self Some of this meat, and Cook for those out in
 packing Some rain in the evening Cloudy all day, the last load of meat
 all the party got out of the road or Direction and did not get to the
 Canoe untill after night, 5 did not join to night
 [Clark, December 15, 1805]
 Sunday the 15th December 1805.
 I Set out early with 16 men and 3 Canoes for the Elk, proceed up the
 River three miles and thence up a large Creek from the right about 3
 miles the hite of the tide water drew up the Canoes and all hands went
 out in three different parties and brought in to the Canoe each Man a
 quarter of Elk, I Sent them out for a Second load and had Some of the
 first Cooked against their return, after eateing a harty diner
 dispatched the party for a third and last load, about half the men
 missed their way and did not get to the Canoes untill after Dark, and
 Serjt. Ordway Colter, Colins Whitehouse & McNeal Staid out all night
 without fire and in the rain--Cloudy all day Some rain in the evening.
 [Clark, December 16, 1805]
 December 16th Monday 1805
 rained all the last night we Covered our Selves as well as we Could
 with Elk Skins, & Set up the greater part of the night, all wet I lay
 in the water verry Cold, the 5 men who Stayed out all night joined me
 this morning Cold & wet, Ordway Colter Collens, Jo Whitehouse J McNeal,
 I had the two Canoes loaded with the 11 Elk which was brought to the
 Canoes, despatched 12 men to meet me below with 2 Elk, The rain
 Contines, with Tremendious gusts of wind, which is Tremds. I proceeded
 on and took in the 2 Elk which was brought to the Creek, & Send back 7
 men to Carrey to the Canoe & take down to Camp 3 Elk which was left in
 the woods, and I proceeded on to Camp thro the Same Chanel I had assd.
 The winds violent Trees falling in every derection, whorl winds, with
 gusts of rain Hail & Thunder, this kind of weather lasted all day,
 Certainly one of the worst days that ever was! I found 3 Indeans with
 Capt Lewis in camp they had brought fish to Sell, we had a house
 Covered with Punchen & our meat hung up. Several men Complaining of
 hurting themselves Carry meet, &c.
 [Clark, December 16, 1805]
 Monday 16th December 1805
 I as also the party with me experiencd a most dreadfull night rain and
 wet without any Couvering, indeed we Set up the greater part of the
 Night, when we lay down the water Soon Came under us and obliged us to
 rise. the five men who Stayed out all night joind me this morning wet
 and Cold, haveing Stayed out without fire or Shelter and the rain
 poreing down upon them all night their appearance was truly
 distressingthey had left all their loads near the place they Spent the
 night--I dispatched 12 men for 2 Elk which was reather below on the
 opposit Side of the Creak, with directions to meet me at the 2d bend in
 the Creek below, had all the meat which had been brought in yesterday
 put into 2 Canoes and proceeded down to the 2d bend where I met the 12
 men with the 2 Elk, dispatchd 6 men with one of those who Staid out
 last night for the meet left in the woods & the remainder an elk at
 Some distance and proceeded on my Self with 3 Canoes to the fort. wind
 violent from the S E
 trees falling, rain and hail, we with Some risque proceeded on thro the
 high waves in the river, a tempestious disagreeable day.
 I found 3 indians at our Camp, they brought fish to Sell which were
 pore & not fit for use, had the meet house coverd and the meat all hung
 up, Several men complain of haveing hurt themselves heavy loads of meat.
 [Clark, December 17, 1805]
 December 17th Tuesday 1805
 rained Some last night and this morning, all hands at work about the
 huts Chinking them, The 7 men left to bring in the Elk left in the
 woods Come with 2 the 3rd they Could not find, as it was that left by
 the party that got lost night before last
 The after part of the Day fair & Cool, fore part of the Day rain hailed
 & blew hard, The mountain which lies S. E of this is covered with Snow
 to day we fleece all the meat and hang it up over a Small Smoke The
 trees are hard to Split for Punchens to Cover our houses &c.
 [Clark, December 17, 1805]
 Tuesday 17th of December 1805
 Some rain last night and a continuation of it this morning. all the men
 at work about the houses, Some Chinking, Dobbing Cutting out dores &c.
 &c. The 7 men left to bring in the Elk arrived and informed that they
 Could not find the meat that the party who Stayed out all night had
 left--the forepart of this day rained hailed and blew hard, the after
 part is fair and Cool--a Mountain which is S. ____° E. about 10 miles
 distant has got Snow on its top which is ruged and uneavin
 Cause a Small fire & Smoke to be made under the meat which is hung up
 in Small peaces. The trees which our men have fallen latterly Split
 verry badly into boards. The most of our Stores are wet. our Leather
 Lodge has become So rotten that the Smallest thing tares it into holes
 and it is now Scrcely Sufficent to keep off the rain off a Spot
 Sufficiently large for our bead.
 [Clark, December 18, 1805]
 December 18th Wednesday 1805
 rained and Snowed alturnitely all the last night and the gusts of Snow
 and hail continue untill 12 oClock, Cold and a dreadfull day wind hard
 and unsettled, we continue at work at our huts, the men being but
 thinly dressed, and no Shoes causes us to doe but little--at 12 the
 Snow & hail Seased & the after part of the day was Cloudy with Some
 [Clark, December 18, 1805]
 Wednesday 18th December 1805
 rained and Snowed alternetly all the last night, and Spurts of Snow and
 Hail Continued untill 12 oClock, which has chilled the air which is
 Cool and disagreeable, the wind hard & unsettled--The men being thinly
 Dressed and mockersons without Socks is the reason that but little can
 be done at the Houses to day--at 12 the Hail & Snow Seased, and rain
 Suckceeded for the latter part of the day
 [Lewis, December 18, 1805]
 Fort Clatsop, December 18th 1805.
 This day one of the men shot a bird of the Corvus genus, which was
 feeding on some fragments of meat near the camp. this bird is about the
 size of the kingbird or bee martin, and not unlike that bird in form.
 the beak is 3/4 of an inch long, wide at the base, of a convex, and
 cultrated figure, beset with some small black hairs near it's base. the
 chaps are of nearly equal lengths tho the upper exceeds the under one a
 little, and has a small nich in the upper chap near the extremity
 perceptable only by close examineation. the colour of the beak is
 black. the eye is large and prominent, the puple black, and iris of a
 dark yellowish brown. the legs and feet are black and imbricated. has
 four toes on each foot armed with long sharp tallons; the hinder toe is
 nearly as long as the middle toe in front and longer than the two
 remaining toes. the tale is composed of twelve fathers the longest of
 which are five inches, being six in number placed in the center. the
 remaining six are placed 3 on either side and graduly deminish to four
 inches which is the shortest and outer feathers. the tail is half the
 length of the bird, the whole length from the extremity of the beak to
 the extremity of the tale being 10 Inches. the head from it's joining
 the nect forward as far as the eyes nearly to the base of the beak and
 on each side as low as the center of the eye is black. arround the base
 of the beak the throat jaws, neck, brest and belley are of a pale
 bluish white. the wings back and tale are of a bluish black with a
 small shade of brown. this bird is common to this piny country are also
 found in the rockey mountains on the waters of the columbia river or
 woody side of those mountains, appear to frequent the highest sumits of
 those mountains as far as they are covered with timber. their note is
 que, quit-it, que-hoo; and tah, tah, &--there is another bird of
 reather larger size which I saw on the woddy parts of the rockey
 mountains and on the waters of the Missouri, this bird I could never
 kill tho I made several attempts, the predominate colour is a dark blue
 the tale is long and they are not crested; I believe them to be of the
 corvus genus also. their note is char, char, char-ar, char; the large
 blue crested corvus of the Columbia river is also
 [Lewis, December 19, 1805]
 Discription of the blue Crested corvus bird common to the woody and
 western side of the Rockey mountains, and all the woody country from
 thence to the Pacific Ocean It's beak is black convex, cultrated, wide
 at its base where it is beset with hairs, and is 11 inches from the
 opening of the chaps to their extremity, and from the joining of the
 head to the extremity of the upper chap 1 1/8 Inches, the upper exceeds
 the under chap a little; the nostrils are small round unconnected and
 placed near the base of the beak where they lye concealed by the hairs
 or hairy feathers which cover the base of the upper chap. the eye
 reather large and full but not prominent and of a deep bluefish black,
 there being no difference in the colour of the puple and the iris. the
 crest is very full the feathers from 1 to 11/2 Inches long and occupye
 the whole crown of the head. the head neck, the whole of the body
 including the coverts of the wings, the upper disk of the tail and
 wings are of a fine gossey bright indigo blue Colour the under disk of
 the tail and wings are of a dark brown nearly black. the leg and first
 joint of the tye are 41/4 In. long, the legs and feet are black and the
 front covered with 6 scales the hinder part smothe, the toes are also
 imbrecated, four in number long and armed with long sharp black
 tallons. the upper disk of the first four or five feathers of the wing
 next to the boddy, are marked with small transverse stripes of black as
 are also the upper side of the two center feathers of the tail; the
 tail is five inches long & is composed of twelve feathers of equal
 length. the tail 1 & 1/2 as long as the boddy. the whole length from
 the point of the beak to extremity of the tail 1 Foot 1 Inch; from the
 tip of one to the tip of the other wing 1 Foot 51/2 Inches. the Conta.
 the size & the whole Contour of this bird resembles very much the blue
 jay or jaybird as they are called in the U States. like them also they
 seldom rest in one place long but are in constant motion hoping from
 spra to spray. what has been said is more immediately applicable to the
 male, the colours of the female are somewhat different in her the head
 crest neck half the back downwards and the converts of the wings are of
 a dark brown, but sometimes there is a little touch of the Indigo on
 the short feathers on the head at the base of the upper chap. this bird
 feeds on flesh when they can procure it, also on bugs flies and buries.
 I do not know whether they distroy little birds but their tallons
 indicate their capacity to do so if nature, has directed it. their note
 is loud and frequently repeated cha'--a cha'--a' &c.--also twat twat
 twat, very quick
 [Clark, December 19, 1805]
 December 19th Thursday 1805
 Some rain with intervales of fair weather last night, The morning Clear
 and wind from S W. I despatched Sjt. Pryer with 8 men in 2 Canoes
 across the bay for the boads of an Indian house which is abandoned, the
 other part of the men continue to doe a little at the huts, the after
 part of the day Cloudy with hail & rain, Sgt. Pryer and party returned
 with 2 Canoe loads of Boards, two Indians Came & Stayed but a Short time
 [Clark, December 19, 1805]
 Thursday 19th December 1805
 Some rain with intervales of fair weather last night, this morning
 Clear & the wind from the S, W. we dispatched Sjt. Pryor with 8 men in
 2 Canoes across Meriwethers Bay for the boards of an old Indian house
 which is vacant, the residue of the men at work at their huts--the
 after part of the Day Cloudy with Hail and rain, Serjt. Pryor & party
 returned in the evening with a load of old boards which was found to be
 verry indifferent
 2 Indians Cam and Stayed a Short time to day
 [Clark, December 20, 1805]
 December 20th Friday 1805
 Some rain and hail last night and this morning it rained hard untill 10
 oClock, men all employd Carrying Punchens and Covering Cabins 4 of
 which we had Covered, & Set Some to Dobing--the after part of the day
 Cloudy and Some Showers of rain. 3 Indians came with Lickorish
 Sackacomie berries & mats to Sell, for which they asked Such high
 prices that we did not purchase any of them,--Those people ask double &
 tribble the value of everry thing they have to Sell, and never take
 less than the full value of any thing, they prise only Blue & white
 heeds, files fish hooks and Tobacco--Tobacco and Blue beeds principally
 [Clark, December 20, 1805]
 Friday 20th of December 1805
 Some rain and hail last night and the rained Continued untill 10 oClock
 a,m, Men all employd in Carrying punchens or boards & Covering the
 houses, 4 of which were Covered to day, the after part of the day
 Cloudy with Several Showers of rain--3 Indians arrive in a Canoe. they
 brought with them mats, roots & Sackacome berries to Sell for which
 they asked Such high prices that we did not purchase any of them. Those
 people ask generally double and tribble the value of what they have to
 Sell, and never take less than the real value of the article in Such
 things as is calculated to do them Service. Such as Blue & white heeds,
 with which they trade with the nativs above; files which they make use
 of to Sharpen their tools, fish hooks of different Sises and tobacco-
 Tobacco and blue beeds they do prefur to every thing.
 [Clark, December 21, 1805]
 December 21st Saturday 1805
 rain as usial last night and all day to day moderately. we Continued at
 the Cabins dobbing & Shinking of them, fall Several trees which would
 not Split into punchins--the Indians were detected in Stealing a Spoon
 & a Bone, and left us, our Sackey Commy out Send 2 men to gather Some
 at the ocian, Saw Elk Sign
 [Clark, December 21, 1805]
 Saturday 21st December 1805
 rained as useal all the last night, and contd. moderately all day to
 day without any intermition, men employd at the houses. one of the
 indians was detected Stealing a horn Spoon, and leave the Camp.
 dispatched two men to the open lands near the Ocian for Sackacome,
 which we make use of to mix with our tobacco to Smoke which has an
 agreeable flavour.
 [Clark, December 22, 1805]
 December 22nd Sunday 1805
 rained all the last night & to day without much intermition we finish
 dobbig 4 huts which is all we have Covered, the Punchin floor & Bunks
 finished Drewyer go out to trap--Sjt. J. Ordway, Gibson & my Servent
 Sick Several with Biles on them & bruses of different kinds, much of
 our meat Spoiled.
 [Clark, December 22, 1805]
 Sunday 22nd December 1805
 rained Continued all the last night and to day without much
 intermition, men employd doeing what they can at the houses. Drewyer
 Set out up the Creek to Set his traps for beaver, Sergt. ordway, Gibson
 & my Servent Sick, Several men Complain of biles and bruses of
 differant kinds.
 We discover that part of our last Supply of meat is Spoiling from the
 womph of the weather not withstanding a constant Smoke kept under it
 day and night.
 [Clark, December 23, 1805]
 December 23rd Monday 1805
 rained without intermition all last night, and this day much Thunder in
 the morning and evening with rain and Some hail to day, we are all
 employd about our huts have ours Covered and Dobed & we move into it, 2
 Canoes of Indians Came up to day. I purchased 3 mats verry neetly made,
 2 bags made with Flags verry neetly made, those the Clotsops Carry ther
 fish in. also a Panthor Skin and Some Lickorish roots, for which I gave
 a worn out file, 6 fish hooks & Some Pounded fish which to us was
 Spoiled, but those people were fond of--in the evining those people
 left us I also gave a String of wompom to a Chief, and Sent a Small
 pice of Simimon to a Sick Indian in the Town who had attached himself
 to me
 [Clark, December 23, 1805]
 Monday 23rd December 1805
 Rained without intermition all the last night and to day with Thunder
 and Hail the fore and after part of this day Capt Lewis and my Self
 move into our hut to day unfinished--two Canoes with Indians of the
 Clat Sop nation Came up to day. I purchased 3 mats and bags all neetly
 made of flags and rushes, those bags are nearly Square of different
 size's open on one Side, I also purchased a panthor Skin 71/2 feet long
 including the tail, all of which I gave 6 Small fish hooks, a Small
 worn out file & Some pounded fish which we Could not use as it was So
 long wet that it was Soft and molded, the Indians of this neighbourhood
 prize the pound'd fish verry highly, I have not observed this method of
 Secureing fish on any other part of the Columbian waters then that
 about the Great falls. I gave a 2d Chief a String of wampom, and Sent a
 little pounded fish to Cus-ca-lah who was Sick in the village & could
 not come to See us.
 [Clark, December 24, 1805]
 December 24th Tuesday-5
 Some hard rain at different times last night, and moderately this
 morning without intermition all hands employed in Carrying Punchens &
 finishing Covering the huts, and the greater part of the men move into
 them a hard rain in the evening.
 Cuscalar the young Clot Sop Chief Came with a young brother and 2 young
 Squar, they gave or laid before Capt Lewis and my Self a mat and each a
 large Parsel of roots, Some time after he demanded 2 files for his
 Present we returned the present as we had no files to Speare which
 displeased them a little they then offered a woman to each which we
 also declined axcpting which also displeased them. Jo Fields finish for
 Capt Lewis and my Self each a wide Slab hued to write on, I gave a
 handkerchief &c
 [Clark, December 24, 1805]
 Tuesday 24th December 1805
 hard rain at Different times last night and all this day without
 intermition. men all employd in finishing their huts and moveing into
 Cuscalah the Indian who had treated me So politely when I was at the
 Clatsops village, come up in a Canoe with his young brother & 2 Squars
 he laid before Capt Lewis and my Self each a mat and a parcel of roots
 Some time in the evening two files was demanded for the presents of
 mats and roots, as we had no files to part with, we each returned the
 present which we had received, which displeased Cuscalah a little. he
 then offered a woman to each of us which we also declined axcepting of,
 which displeased the whole party verry much--the female part appeared
 to be highly disgusted at our refuseing to axcept of their favours &c.
 our Store of Meat entirely Spoiled, we are obliged to make use of it as
 we have nothing else except a little pounded fish, the remains of what
 we purchased near the great falls of the Columbia, and which we have
 ever found to be a convenient resort, and a portable method of curing
 [Clark, December 25, 1805]
 December 25th Christmas 1805 Wednesday
 Some rain at different times last night and Showers of hail with
 intervales of fair Starr light, This morning at day we were Saluted by
 all our party under our winders, a Shout and a Song--after brackfast we
 divided our tobacco which amounted to 2 Carrots, one half we gave to
 the party who used Tobacco those who did not we gave a Handkerchief as
 a present, The day proved Showery all day, the Inds. left us this
 eveningall our party moved into their huts. we dried Some of our wet
 goods. I rcved a present of a Fleeshe Hoserey vest draws & Socks of
 Capt Lewis, pr. Mockerson of Whitehouse, a Small Indian basket of
 Guterich, & 2 Doz weasels tales of the Squar of Shabono, & Some black
 roots of the Indians G. D. Saw a Snake passing across the parth
 Our Diner to day Consisted of pore Elk boiled, Spilt fish & Some roots,
 a bad Christmass diner worm Day
 [Clark, December 25, 1805]
 Christmas Wednesday 25th December 1805
 at day light this morning we were awoke by the discharge of the fire
 arm of all our party & a Selute, Shoute and a Song which the whole
 party joined in under our windows, after which they retired to their
 rooms were Chearfull all the morning--after brackfast we divided our
 Tobacco which amounted to 12 carrots one half of which we gave to the
 men of the party who used tobacco, and to those who doe not use it we
 make a present of a handkerchief, The Indians leave us in the evening
 all the party Snugly fixed in their huts--I recved a presnt of Capt L.
 of a fleece hosrie Shirt Draws and Socks-, a pr. mockersons of
 Whitehouse a Small Indian basket of Gutherich, two Dozen white weazils
 tails of the Indian woman, & Some black root of the Indians before
 their departure--Drewyer informs me that he Saw a Snake pass across the
 parth to day. The day proved Showerey wet and disagreeable.
 we would have Spent this day the nativity of Christ in feasting, had we
 any thing either to raise our Sperits or even gratify our appetites,
 our Diner concisted of pore Elk, So much Spoiled that we eate it thro
 mear necessity, Some Spoiled pounded fish and a fiew roots.
 [Clark, December 26, 1805]
 December 26th Thursday 1805
 rained and blew hard last night Some hard Thunder, The rain continued
 as usial all day and wind blew hard from the S. E, Joseph Fields finish
 a Table & 2 Seats for us. we dry our wet articles and have the blankets
 fleed, The flees are So troublesom that I have Slept but little for 2
 nights past and we have regularly to kill them out of our blankets
 every day for Several past--maney of the men have ther Powder wet by
 the horns being repeetdly wet, hut Smoke verry bad.
 [Clark, December 26, 1805]
 Thursday 26th December 1805
 rained and blew with great Violence S E all the last night, Some hard
 Claps of Thunder, the rain as usial Continued all day--we dry our wet
 articles before the fire, and have our blankets fleed, great numbers
 were Caught out of the blankets, those trouble insects are So abundant
 that we have to have them killd. out of our blankets every day or get
 no Sleep at night--The powder in maney of the mens horns are wet from
 their being so long exposed to the rain &c.
 [Clark, December 27, 1805]
 December 27th Friday 1805.
 rained last night as usial and the greater part of this day, the men
 Complete Chimneys & Bunks to day, in the evening a Chief and 4 men Come
 of the Clotsop nation, Chief Co-ma wool we Sent out R. Fields & Collins
 to hunt and order Drewyer, Shannon & Labiach to Set out early to morrow
 to hunt,--Jo Fields, Bratten, & Gibson to make Salt at Point Addams,-
 Willard & Wiser, to assist them in carrying the Kitties &c to the
 Ocian, and all the others to finish the Pickets and gates. worm weather
 I Saw a Musquetor which I Showed Capt. Lewis--Those Indians gave is, a
 black root they Call Shan-na-tah que a kind of Licquerish which they
 rost in embers and Call Cul ho-mo, a black berry the Size of a Cherry &
 Dried which they call Shel-well,--all of which they prise highly and
 make use of as food to live on, for which Capt Lewis gave the chief a
 Cap of Sheep Skin and I his Son, ear bobs, Piece of riben, a pice of
 brass, and 2 Small fishing hooks, of which they were much pleased Those
 roots & berres, are greatfull to our Stomcks as we have nothing to eate
 but Pore Elk meet, nearly Spoiled; & this accident of Spoiled meet, is
 owing to wormth & the repeeted rains, which cause the meet to tante
 before we Can get it from the woods Musquetors troublesorn
 [Clark, December 27, 1805]
 Friday 27th December 1805
 rained last night as usial and the greater part of this day. In the
 evening Co-mo wool the Chief and 4 men of the Clat Sop nation they
 presented us a root which resembles the licquirish in Size and taste,
 which they roste like a potato which they Call Cul ho-mo, also a black
 root which is cured in a kill like the pash-a-co above; this root has a
 Sweet taste and the natives are verry fond of it--they Call this root
 Shaw-na-tah-que. also a dried berry about the size of a Chery which
 they Call Shele well all those roots those Indians value highly and
 give them verry Spearingly. in return for the above roots Capt Lewis
 gave the Chief a Small piece of Sheap Skin to Ware on his head, I gave
 his Son a par of ear bobs and a pece of ribon, and a Small piece of
 brass for which they were much pleased.
 Those roots and berries are timely and extreamly greatfull to our
 Stomachs, as we have nothing to eate but Spoiled Elk meat, I Showed
 Capt L. 2 Musquetors to day, or an insect So much the Size Shape and
 appearance of a Musquetor that we Could observe no kind of differance.
 [Clark, December 28, 1805]
 December 28th Saturday 1805
 rained as usial, a great part of the last night, and this morning
 rained and the wind blew hard from the S. E. Sent out the hunters and
 Salt makers, & employd the baleanc of the men Carrying the Pickets &c.
 &c. hunters Sent out yesterday returned, haveing killed one deer near
 the Sea cost, my boy york verry unwell from violent Colds & Strains
 Carrying in meet and lifting logs on the huts to build them, This day
 is worm, and rained all day moderately without intermition.
 [Clark, December 28, 1805]
 Saturday the 28th December 1805
 rained as usial the greater part of the last night and a continuation
 this morning accompanied with wind from the S East Derected Drewyer,
 Shannon, Labeash, Reuben Field, and Collins to hunt; Jos. Fields,
 Bratten, Gibson to proceed to the Ocean at Some Convenient place form a
 Camp and Commence makeing Salt with 5 of the largest Kittles, and
 Willard and Wiser to assist them in Carrying the Kittles to the Sea
 Coastall the other men to be employed about putting up pickets &
 makeing the gates of the fort. my man Y. verry unwell from a violent
 Coald and Strain by Carrying meet from the woods and lifting the heavy
 logs on the works &c. rained all Day without intermition. the Weather
 verry worm.
 [Clark, December 29, 1805]
 December 29th Sunday 1805
 rained last night as usial, this morning Cloudy without rain a hard
 wind from the S. E. The Inds. left us this morning and returned to
 their village, after begging for maney things which they did not secure
 as we Could not Spare them I gave the Chief Canio a Razor, Sent out 3
 men across the river to hunt, all others employd putting up pickets
 Pete Crusat Sick with a violent Cold My Servent better--we are told by
 the Indians that a whale has foundered on the Coast to the N. W and
 their nations is collecting fat of him, the wind is too high for us to
 See it, Capt Lewis is been in readiness 2 days to go and Collect Some
 of the whale oyle the wind has proved too high as yet for him to Set
 out in Safty In the evening a young Chief 4 men and 2 womin of the
 War-ci-a-cum tribe came in a large canoe with Wapto roots, Dressed Elk
 Skins &c. to Sell, the Chief made me a present of about a half a bushel
 of those roots--we gave him a medal of a Small Size and a piece of red
 ribin to tie around the top of his Hat which was made with a double
 Cone, the diameter of the upper about 3 Inches the lower a about 1 foot
 We purchased about 11/2 bushels of those roots for which we gave Some
 few red beeds, Small pices of brass wire and old Check--those roots
 proved greatfull to us as we are now liveing on Spoiled Elk which is
 extreamly disagreeable to the Smel. as well as the taste, I can plainly
 discover that a considerable exchange of property is Continually
 Carried on between the Tribes and villages of those people they all
 dress litely ware nothing below the waste, a pice of fur abt. around
 the body, and a Short robe which Composes the total of their dress,
 except a few Split hats, and heeds around ther necks wrists and
 anckles, and a few in their ears. They are small and not handsom
 generally Speaking women perticularly.
 The Chin nook womin are lude and Carry on Sport publickly the Clotsop
 and others appear deffidend, and reserved The flees are So noumerous in
 this Countrey and difficult to get Cleare of that the Indians have
 difft. houses & villages to which they remove frequently to get rid of
 them, and not withstanding all their precautions, they never Step into
 our hut without leaveing Sworms of those troublesom insects. Indeed I
 Scercely get to Sleep half the night Clear of the torments of those
 flees, with the precaution of haveing my blankets Serched and the flees
 killed every day--The 1 s of those insects we Saw on the Collumbia
 River was at the 1 s Great falls--I have the Satisfaction to Say that
 we had but little rain in the Course of this day, not as much as would
 wet a person. but hard wind and Cloudy all day.
 [Clark, December 29, 1805]
 Sunday 29th December 1805
 rained all the last night a usial, this morning Cloudy without rain, a
 hard wind from the S. E I gave the Cheif a razor, and himself and party
 left us after begging us for maney articles none of which they recvied
 as we Could not Spare the articles they were most in want of. Peter
 Sick with a violent Cold, my man Y. better. all hands employed about
 the Pickets & gates of the fort. we were informed day before yesterday
 that a whale had foundered on the coast to the S. W. near the Kil a mox
 N. and that the greater part of the Clat Sops were gorn for the oile &
 blubber, the wind proves too high for us to proceed by water to See
 this monster, Capt Lewis has been in readiness Since we first heard of
 the whale to go and see it and collect Some of its Oil, the wind has
 proved too high as yet for him to proceed--this evining a young Chief 4
 Men and 2 womin of the War ci a cum Nation arrived, and offered for
 Sale Dressed Elk Skins and Wap pa to, the Chief made us a preasent of
 about 1/2 a bushel of those roots. and we purchased about 11/2 bushels
 of those roots for which we gave Some fiew red beeds Small peaces of
 brass wire & old Check those roots proved a greatfull addition to our
 Spoiled Elk, which has become verry disagreeable both to the taste &
 Smell we gave this Chief a Medal of a Small Size and a piece of red
 riben to tie around the top of his hat which was of a Singular
 Construction Those people will not Sell all their Wap pa to to us they
 inform us that they are on their way to trade with the Chit Sops. The
 nations above Carry on a verry Considerable interchange of property
 with those in this neighbourhood. they pass altogether by water, they
 have no roads or pathes through the Countrey which we have observed,
 except across portages from one Creek to another, all go litely dressed
 ware nothing below the waste in the Coaldest of weather, a piece of fur
 around their bodies and a Short roabe Composes the Sum total of their
 dress, except a few hats, and heeds about their necks arms and legs
 Small badly made and homely generally. The flees are So noumerous and
 hard to get rid of; that the Indians have different houses which they
 resort to occasionally, not withstanding all their precautions they
 never Step into our house without leaveing Sworms of those tormenting
 insects; and they torment us in Such a manner as to deprive us of half
 the nights Sleep frequently--the first of those insects which we saw on
 the Columbian waters was at the Canoe portage at the great falls. Hard
 winds & Cloudy all day but verry little rain to day.
 [Clark, December 30, 1805]
 December 30th Monday 1805
 Hard wind and Some rain last night, this morning fair and the Sun Shown
 for a Short time 4 Indians Came from the upper Villages they offered us
 roots which we did not Chuse to axcept of, as their expectations for
 those presents of a fiew roots is 3 or 4 times their real worth, those
 Indians with those of yesterday Continued all day. Drewyer & party of
 hunters returned and informed they had killed 4 Elk, a party of 6 men
 was imediately Sent for the meet, they returned at Dusk, with the 4
 Elk, of which we had a Sumptious Supper of Elk Tongues & marrow bones
 which was truly gratifying.
 The fort was Completed this evening and at Sun Set we let The Indians
 know that, our Custom will be to Shut the gates at Sun Set, at which
 time, they must all go out of the fort those people who are verry
 foward and disegreeable, left the huts with reluctiance--This day
 proved the best we have had Since at this place, only 3 Showers of rain
 to day, Cloudy nearly all day, in the evening the wind luled and the
 fore part of the night fair and clear. I Saw flies & different kinds of
 insects in motion to day Snakes are yet to be seen, and Snales without
 Cover is Common and large, fowls of every kind Common to this quarter
 abound in the Creek & Bay near us
 [Clark, December 30, 1805]
 Monday 30th December 1805
 Hard wind and Some rain last night. this morning the Sun Shown for a
 Short time--four Indians came down from the War cia cum Village, they
 offered us roots which we did not think proper to accept of as in
 return they expect 3 or 4 times as much as the roots as we Could
 purchase the Roots for, and are never Satisfied with what they receive,
 those 4 Indians & these that Came yesterday Stayed all day. Drewyer
 returned and informed that he had killed 4 Elk at no great distance
 off, a party of 6 men was imediately dispatched for the meat, and
 returned at Dusk with the 4 Elk--we had a Sumptious Supper of Elks
 tongues & marrow bones which was truly gratifying--our fortification is
 Completed this evening-and at Sun Set we let the nativs know that our
 Custom will be in future, to Shut the gates at Sun Set at which time
 all Indians must go out of the fort and not return into it untill next
 morning after Sunrise at which time the gates will be opened, those of
 the War ci a cum Nation who are very foward left the houses with
 reluctianc this day proved to be the fairest and best which we have had
 since our arrival at this place, only three Showers dureing this whole
 day, wind the fore part of the day.
 [Clark, December 31, 1805]
 December 31st Tuesday 1805
 A Cloudy night & Some rain, this day proved Cloudy and Some Showers of
 rain to day all the Indians Continued at their Camp near us, 2 others
 Canoes Came one from the War-ci-a-cum Village, with three Indians, and
 the other from higher up the river of the Skil-lute nation with three
 men and a Squar; Those people brought with them Some Wapto roots, mats
 made of flags, & rushes, dried fish and Some fiew Shene-tock-we (or
 black) roots & Dressed Elk Skins, all of which they asked enormous
 prices for, particularly the Dressed Elk Skins; I purchased of those
 people Some Wapto roots, two mats and a Small pouch of Tobacco of their
 own manufactory--for which I gave large fish hooks, which they were
 verry fond, those Indians are much more reserved and better behaved to
 day than yesterday--the Sight of our Sentinal who walks on his post,
 has made this reform in those people who but yesterday was verry
 impertenant and disagreeable to all--This evening they all Cleared out
 before the time to Shut the gates, without being derected to doe So--I
 derected Sinks to be dug and a Sentinal Box which was accomplished one
 of those Indeans brought a Musquet to be repared, which only wanted a
 Screw flattened, for which he gave me a Peck of Wapto roots, I gave him
 a flint and a pice of Sheep Skin of which he was pleased
 [Clark, December 31, 1805]
 Tuesday 31st December 1805
 last night was Cloudy and Some rain, this day prove Cloudy and Showerry
 all day, all the Indians Continue at their Camp near us, two other
 Canoes arrived, one from the War ci a cum Village with 3 indians and
 the other of 3 men & a Squar from higher up the river and are of the
 Skil-lute nation, those people brought with them Some Wappato roots,
 mats made of flags and rushes dried fish, and a fiew Shaw-na tah-que
 and Dressed Elk Skins, all of which they asked enormous prices for,
 perticularly the dressed Elk Skins, I purchased of those people Some
 Wap pa to two mats and about 3 pipes of their tobacco in a neet little
 bag made of rushes--This tobacco was much like what we had Seen before
 with the So So ne or Snake indians, for those articles I gave a large
 fishing hook and Several other Small articles, the fishinghooks they
 were verry fond of. Those Skit lutes are much better behaved than the
 War ci a cum indeed we found a great alteration in the Conduct of them
 all this morning, the Sight of our Sentinal on his post at the gate,
 together with our deturmined proseedure of putting all out at Sun Set
 has made this reform in those War ci a corns who is foward impertinant
 an thieveish.
 The nativs all leave us the fort this evening before Sun Set without
 being told or desired to do So--we had Sinks dug & a Sentinal box made-
 a Skit lute brought a gun which he requested me to have repared, it
 only wanted a Screw flattened So as to Catch, I put a flint into his
 gun & he presented me in return a peck of Wappato for payment, I gave
 him piece of a Sheap Skin and a Small piece of blue Cloth to Cover his
 lock for which he was much pleased and gave me in return Some roots &c.
 I Saw flies and different kinds of insects in motion to day--Snakes are
 yet to be Seen and Snales without Covers is Common and verry large
 water fowls of various kinds are in great numbers in the rivers and
 Creeks and the sides of Meriwethers Bay near us but excessively wild-
 the fore part of this night fair and Clear
 With the party of Clat Sops who visited us last was a man of much
 lighter Coloured than the nativs are generaly, he was freckled with
 long duskey red hair, about 25 years of age, and must Certainly be half
 white at least, this man appeared to understand more of the English
 language than the others of his party, but did not Speak a word of
 English, he possessed all the habits of the indians