[Clark, December 1, 1804]
1s Decr. a young Chief arrived
7 Chiens Came to the Village with a pipe & the 3 Ricares who Came here
a fiew days ago & Sent off yesterday have returned and Say that the
Sieaux & ricares are Camped together
[Clark, December 1, 1804]
1st of December Satturday 1804
wind from the N W. all hands ingaged in pitting pickets &. at 10 oClock
the half brother of the man who was killed Came and informd. us that
after my departure last night Six Chiens So Called by the french Shar
ha Indians had arrived with a pipe and Said that The mandans
apprehended danger from the Shar has as they were at peace with the
Seaux; and wished to Kill them and the Ricarees (or Parties) but the
Cheifs informed the nation "it was our wish that they Should not be
hurt, and forbid being Killed &c." we gave a little Tobacco &c. & this
man Departed well Satisfied with our councils and advice to him in the
evening a Mr. G Henderson in the imploy of the hudsons bay Company Sent
to trade with the Gros ventre-or big bellies So Called by the french
[Clark, December 2, 1804]
2d of Decr. 1804 Visited by Several Mandan Chiefs and 4 Chyannes Inds.
who Came with a pipe to the Mandans, Sent a Speech to ther Nation a
flag & Some tobacco, also written a Speech to the Ricaras & Sioux,
informe them what they might depend on if they would not open their
ears, & &.
[Clark, December 2, 1804]
2nd of December Sunday 1804
The latter part of last night was verry warm and Continued to thaw
untill ____ oClock when the wind Shifted to the North at 11 oClock the
Chiefs of the Lower village of the Mandans with maney of theire young
men and 4 of the Shar-ha's who had come to Smoke with the pipe of Peace
with the Mandans, we explained to them our intentions our views and
advised them to be at peace, Gave them a flag for theire nation, Some
Tobacco with a Speech to Deliver to their nation on theire return, also
Sent by them a letter to Mrs. Tabbo & Gravoline, at the Ricares
Village, to interseid in proventing Hostilities, and if they Could not
effect those measures to Send & informe us of what was going on,
Stateing to the Indians the part we intend to take if the Rickores &
Seauex did not follow our Derections and be at peace with the nations
which we had addopted--We made Some fiew Small presents to those Shar
ha's and also Some to the Mandans & at 3 oClock they all Departed well
pleased, haveing Seen many Curisossties, which we Showed them-. river
rise one inch
[Clark, December 3, 1804]
3rd December Monday 1804.
a fine morning the after part of the day Cold & windey the wind from
the N W. The Father of the Mandan who was killed Came and made us a
present of Some Dried Simnens & a little pemicon, we made him Some
Small preasents for which he was much pleased
[Clark, December 4, 1804]
4th of December Tuesday 1804
a Cloudy raw Day wind from the N. W. the Black Cat and two young Chiefs
Visit us and as usial Stay all Day the river rise one inch finish the
main bastion, our interpetr. we discover to be assumeing and
[Clark, December 5, 1804]
5th December Wednesday 1804
a Cold raw morning wind from the S. E. Some Snow, two of the N W.
Companey Came to See us, to let us Know they intended to Set out for
the establishment on the osinniboin River in two Days-& their party
would Consist of 5 men, Several Indians also visited us one brought
Pumpkins or Simmins as a preasent a little Snow fell in the evening at
which time the wind Shifted round to N. E.
[Clark, December 6, 1804]
Fort Mandan
6th of December Thursday 1804
The wind blew violently hard from the N, N W. with Some Snow the air
Keen and Cold. The Thermometer at 8 oClock A, M, Stood at 10 dgs. above
o--at 9 oClock a man & his Squar Came down with Some meat for the
inturpeter his dress was a par mockersons of Buffalow Skin Pr. Legins
of Goat Skin & a Buffalow robe, 14 ring of Brass on his fingers, this
metel the Mandans ar verry fond off--Cold after noon river rise 11/2
Inch to day
[Clark, December 7, 1804]
at Fort mandan
7th of December 1804, we were informed by a Chief that great numbers of
Buffalow were on the hills near us Cap Lewis with a party went out &
Killed 11three in view of our fort, The weather so excesive Cold &
wolves plenty, we only saved 5 of them, I with a party turned on the
8th out and found the Buffalow at 7 ms. distant Killed 8 & a Deer, I
returned with 2 Cows leaving men with remaining meat--Several men badly
frost bit--The Themormeter Stood this morning at 44 d. below Breizing.
Capt Lewis went out 9th & Stayed all night out Killed 9 buffalowmaney
of the Buffalow Killed were So meager that they not fit for use
Collected by the ade of Some horses the best of the meat in fact all we
could Save from wolves & I went on a hunting party the 14 & 15 of
Decr.--much Snow verry cold 52° below freesinge. N W. & H Bay Clerks
Visit us the 16th also Mr Hainey, Cold Tem. 74° below freesing
I visit the Mandans on the 1s of January Capt Lewis the 2nd
[Clark, December 7, 1804]
7th of December Friday 1804
a verry Cold day wind from the N W. the Big White Grand Chief of the 1s
Village, Came and informed us that a large Drove of Buffalow was near
and his people was wating for us to join them in a Chase Capt. Lewis
took 15 men & went out joined the Indians, who were at the time he got
up, Killing the Buffalows on Horseback with arrows which they done with
great dexterity, his party killed 14 Buffalow, five of which we got to
the fort by the assistance of a horse in addition to what the men
Packed on their backs--one Cow was killed on the ice after drawing her
out of a vacancey in the ice in which She had fallen, and Butchered her
at the fort--those we did not get in was taken by the indians under a
Custon which is established amongst them i e. any person Seeing a
buffalow lying without an arrow Sticking in him, or Some purticular
mark takes possesion, many times (as I am told) a hunter who Kills
maney Buffalow in a chase only Gets a part of one, all meat which is
left out all night falls to the Wolves which are in great numbers,
always in the Buffalows--the river Closed opposit the fort last night
11/2 inches thick The Thermometer Stood this morning at 1 d. below o-
three men frost bit badly to day
[Clark, December 8, 1804]
8th December Satturday 1804
a verry Cold morning, the Thermometer Stood at 12 d. below 0 which is
42 d. below the freesing point, wind from the N W I with 15 men turned
out Indians joined us on horseback, shot with arrows rode along side of
buffaloel and killed 8 buffalow & one Deer, one Cow and Calf was
brought in, two Cows which I killed at 7 miles Dst. I left 2 men to
Skin & Keep off the wolves, and brought in one Cow & a calf, in the
evening on my return to the fort Saw great numbers of Buffalow Comeing
into the Bottoms on both Sides of the river This day being Cold Several
men returned a little frost bit; one of men with his feet badly frost
bit my Servents feet also frosted & his P-s a little, I feel a little
fatigued haveing run after the Buffalow all day in Snow many Places 10
inches Deep, Generally 6 or 8, two men hurt their hips verry much in
Slipping down--The Indians kill great numbers of Buffalow to day--2
reflectings Suns to day
[Clark, December 9, 1804]
9th December Sunday 1804
The Thermometer Stood this morning at 7° above 0, wind from the E. Capt
Lewis took 18 men & 4 horses and went out Send in the meet killed
yesterday and kill more, the Sun Shown to day Clear, both interpeters
went to the Villages to day at 12 oClock two Chiefs Came loaded with
meat one with a dog & Slay also loaded with meat, Capt. Lewis Sent in 4
Hors's loaded with meat, he continued at the hunting Camp near which
they killed 9 buffalow.
[Clark, December 10, 1804]
10th Monday Decr. 1804 Fort Mandan
a verry Cold Day The Thermometer to day at 10 & 11 Degrees below 0.,
Capt. Lewis returned, to day at 12 oClock leaveing 6 men at the Camp to
prepare the meat for to pack 4 Horse loads Came in, Capt Lewis had a
Cold Disagreeable night last in the Snow on a Cold point with one Small
Blankett the Buffaloe Crossed the river below in emence herds without
brakeing in. only 2 buffalow killed to day one of which was too pore to
Skin, The men which was frost bit is gitting better. the rise 11/2 inch
wind North
[Clark, December 11, 1804]
11th December Tuesday 1804
a verry Cold morning Wind from the north The Thermomettr at (4 oClock A
M at 21°) Sunrise at 21° See list. below 0 which is 53° below the freesing
point and getting colder, the Sun Shows and reflects two imigies, the
ice floating in the atmespear being So thick that the appearance is
like a fog Despurceing
Sent out three horses for meat & with Derections for all the hunters to
return to the fort as Soon as possible at 1 oClock the horses returned
loaded at night all the hunters returned, Several a little frosted, The
Black Cat Chief of the Mandans paid us a Visit to day continue Cold all
day river at a Stand
[Clark, December 12, 1804]
12th December Wednesday 1804
a Clear Cold morning wind from the north the Thormometer at Sun rise
Stood at 38° below 0, moderated untill 6 oClock at which time it began to
get Colder. I line my Gloves and have a cap made of the Skin of the
Louservia (Lynx) (or wild Cat of the North) the fur near 3 inches long
a Indian Of the Shoe nation Came with the half of a Cabra ko ka or
Antilope which he killed near the Fort, Great numbers of those animnals
are near our fort but the weather is So Cold that we do not think it
prudent to turn out to hunt in Such Cold weather, or at least untill
our Consts. are prepared to under go this Climate. I measure the river
from bank to bank on the ice and make it 500 yards
[Clark, December 13, 1804]
13th December Thursday 1804
The last night was verry Clear & the frost which fell Covered the ice
old Snow & thos parts which was naked 1/6 of an inch, The Thermotr.
Stands this morning at 20° below 0, a fine day. find it imposible to make
an Observation with an artifical Horsison Joseph Fields kill a Cow and
Calf to day one mile from the fort river falls
[Clark, December 14, 1804]
14th December Friday 1804
a fine morning. wind from the S. E. the murckerey Stood at '0' this
morning I went with a party of men down the river 18 miles to hunt
Buffalow, Saw two Bulls too pore to kill, the Cows and large gangues
haveing left the River, we only killed two Deer & Camped all night with
Some expectation of Seeing the Buffalow in the morning, a verry Cold
night, Snowed.
[Clark, December 15, 1804]
15th of December 1804 Satturday
a Cold Clear morning, Saw no buffalow, I concluded to return to the
Fort & hunt on each Side of the river on our return which we did
without Success--the Snow fell 11/2 inches deep last night. wind North-
on my return to the fort found Several Chiefs there
[Clark, December 16, 1804]
Fort Mandan
16th December, Sunday 1804
a clear Cold morning, the Thermtr. at Sun rise Stood at 22° below 0, a
verry Singaler appearance of the Moon last night, as She appeared thro
The frosty atmispear--Mr. Henny, from the Establishment on River
Ossinnniboin, with a letter from, Mr Charles Chaboillez one of the Cos
arrived in 6 Days, Mr. C in his letters expressed a great anxiety to
Serve us in any thing in his power-
a root Discribed by Mr. Henry for the Cure of a Mad Dog
Mr. Le rock a Clerk, of the N W Company and Mr. George Bunch a Clerk of
the Hudsons bay Compy accompanied Mr. Henny from the Village
[Clark, December 17, 1804]
17th December Monday 1804
a verry Cold morning the Thrmt. Stood a 43° below 0. We found Mr. Henny a
verry intelligent man from whome we obtained Some Scetches of the
Countrey between the Mississippi & Missouri, and Some Sketches from
him, which he had obtained from the Indins. to the West of this place
also the names and charecktors of the Sceoux &c about 8 oClock P M. the
thermometer fell to 74° below the freesing pointe--the Indian Chiefs Sent
word that Buffalow was in our neighbourhood, and if we would join them,
in the morning they would go and kill them-
[Clark, December 18, 1804]
18th December Tuesday 1804
The Themometer the Same as last night Mr. Haney & La Rocke left us for
the Grossventre Camp, Sent out 7 men to hunt for the Buffalow They
found the weather too cold & returned, Several Indians Came, who had
Set out with a veiw to Kill buffalow, The river rise a little I imploy
my Self makeing a Small map of Connection &. Sent Jessomme to the Main
Chief of the mandans to know the Cause of his detaining or takeing a
horse of Chabonoe our big belly interpeter, which we found was thro the
rascallity of one Lafrance a trader from the N W. Company, who told
this Cheif that Chabonah owd. him a horse to go and take him he done So
agreeable to an indian Custom--he gave up the horse
[Clark, December 19, 1804]
19th December Wednesday 1804
The wind from S. W. the weather moderated a little, I engage my self in
Connecting the Countrey from information. river rise a little
[Clark, December 20, 1804]
20th December Thursday 1804
The wind from the N W a moderate day, the Thermometr 37° above 0, which
givs an oppertunity of putting up our pickets next the river, nothing
remarkable took place to Day river fall a little
[Clark, December 21, 1804]
21st December Friday 1804
a fine Day worm and wind from the N W by W, the Indian whome I stoped
from Commiting murder on his wife, thro jellousy of one of our
interpeters, Came & brought his two wives and Showed great anxiety to
make up with the man with whome his joulassey Sprung--a womin brought a
Child with an abcess on the lower part of the back, and offered as much
corn as She Could carry for Some medison, Capt Lewis administered &c.
[Clark, December 22, 1804]
22nd December Satturday 1804
a number of Squars womn & men Dressed in Squars Clothes Came with Corn
to Sell to the men for little things, we precured two horns of the
animale the french Call the rock mountain Sheep those horns are not of
the largest kind--The mandans Indians Call this Sheep Ar-Sar-ta it is
about the Size of a large Deer, or Small Elk, its Horns Come out and
wind around the head like the horn of a Ram and the teckere not unlike
it much larger and thicker perticelarly that part with which they but
or outer part which is ____ inchs thick, the length of those horns,
which we have is
[Clark, December 23, 1804]
23rd December Sunday 1804
a fine Day great numbers of indians of all discriptions Came to the
fort many of them bringing Corn to trade, the little Crow, loadd. his
wife & Sun with corn for us, Cap. Lewis gave him a few presents as also
his wife, She made a Kettle of boild Simnins, beens, Corn & Choke
Cherris with the Stones which was paletable
This Dish is Considered, as a treat among those people, The Chiefs of
the Mandans are fond of Stayin & Sleeping in the fort
[Clark, December 24, 1804]
24 December Monday 1804
Several Chiefs and members of men womin and Children at the fort to
day, Some for trade, the most as lookers on, we gave a fellet of Sheep
Skin (which we brought for Spunging) to 3 Chiefs one to each of 2
inches wide, which they lay great value (priseing those felets equal to
a fine horse), a fine Day we finished the pickingen around our works
[Clark, December 25, 1804]
25th December Christmass Tuesday
I was awakened before Day by a discharge of 3 platoons from the Party
and the french, the men merrily Disposed, I give them all a little
Taffia and permited 3 Cannon fired, at raising Our flag, Some men went
out to hunt & the Others to Danceing and Continued untill 9 oClock P,
M, when the frolick ended &c.
[Clark, December 26, 1804]
26th Decr. Wednesday 1804
a temperate day no Indians to day or yesterday. A man from the N W
Company Came Down from the Gross Vintres to Get one of our interpeters
to assist them in trade This man informed that the Party of Gross
Ventres who persued the Ossinboins that Stold their horses, has all
returned in their usial way by Small parties, the last of the party
bringing 8 horses which they Stole from a Camp of Asniboins which they
found on Mouse river-
[Clark, December 27, 1804]
27th December 1804 Thursday
a little fine Snow weather something Colder than yesterday Several
Indians here to Day, much Surprised at the Bellos & method of makeing
Sundery articles of Iron wind hard from the N W.
[Clark, December 28, 1804]
28th of December Friday 1804
blew verry hard last night, the frost fell like a Shower of Snow,
nothing remarkable to day, the Snow Drifting from one bottom to another
and from the leavel plains into the hollows &c
[Clark, December 29, 1804]
29th December Satturday 1804
The frost fell last night nearly a 1/4 of an inch Deep and Continud to
fall untill the Sun was of Some bite, the Murcurey Stood this morning
at 9 d below 0 which is not considered Cold, as the Changes take place
gradually without long intermitions
a number of Indians here
[Clark, December 30, 1804]
30th December Sunday 1804
Cold the Termtr. at 20 d below 0 a number of Indians here to day they
are much Supprised at the Bellows one Deer Killed
[Clark, December 31, 1804]
Fort Mandan
31st of December Monday 1804
a fine Day Some wind last night which mixed the Snow and Sand in the
bend of the river, which has the appearance of hillocks of Sand on the
ice, which is also Covered with Sand & Snow, the feost which falls in
the night continues on the earth & old Snow &c. &c.--a Number of
indians here every Day our blckSmitth mending their axes hoes &c. &c.
for which the Squars bring Corn for payment
Part I: Journal Entries of December 1804
- Details
- Written by: Meriwether Lewis and and William Clark
- Category: The Journals of Lewis and Clark 1804-1806