By Designed and published by the Kansas Department of Transportation. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Norton County, lying in the northern tier, adjoining Nebraska, is the fourth county from the Colorado line on the west and the tenth from the eastern boundary line of the State. Its climate and soil are similar to the neighboring counties of Phillips, Smith, and Decatur. The soil has the same marvelous richness and capacity to resist drouth; there is the same scarcity of timber and absence of stone coal, the same abundance of fine building stone (magnesian limestone.) Like its neighboring counties, already named, Norton has numerous water courses, the principal of which are the Solomon River, flowing east through the southern tier of townships, the Prairie Dog, through the central portion, and the Sappa, from southwest to northeast, through the northwest corner of the county.

 County Seat: Norton, Kansas

Date organized: August 22, 1872

County History:

  1. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas, Norton County 
  2. Norton County on Wikipedia

Historic Landmarks, State, National:

  1. Stagecoach Station 15
  2. Norton County Attractions

County Historical Society:

Norton County Historical Society and Museum P.O. Box 303, Norton KS 67654 | Facebook

Websites about the county:

  1. Norton County Government 
  2. City of Norton, Kansas | Facebook