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Harper County lies in one of the most beautiful prairie regions of Kansas. South of it stretches the fertile Indian Territory, already containing nearly as many whites as aborigines, from which comes a vast and profitable traffic.

From its fertile soil can be produced cereals enough to well-nigh supply the State, or turning south the vast army of stock-men with their cowboys, an over plus is left for the ranges in the unorganized counties farther west. That so fertile a county should have so long remained undeveloped is due to causes which will be later detailed, and which, while they throw no shadow of disgrace or dishonor on the present inhabitants of the county, are sufficient cause for its late settlement.

County Seat: Anthony, Kansas

Date organized: August 26, 1878

County History:

Cutler's History of the State of Kansas, Harper County

Historic Landmarks, State, National:

  1. Old Runnymede Church 
  2. Thompson-Wohlschlegel Round Barn
  3. I.P. Campbell Building

County Historical Society:

Websites about the county:

  1. Harper County Government
  2. City of Anthony, Kansas 
  3. City of Harper,Kansas 
  4. Harper County Community Foundation
  5. Harper County on Wikipedia