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Dickinson County is the third tier of counties from the north line of the State, and in the sixth tier from the east line or about one hundred and thirty miles west of the Missouri river. Measured from north to south, the county is thirty-six miles, and from east to west, it is twenty-four miles. The county contains 544,640 acres, or 851 square miles. It is bounded on the north by Clay County, on the south by Marion County, on the east by Davis and Morris counties, and on the west by Saline and Ottawa counties. SourceCutler's History of the State of Kansas 


County Seat: Abaline, Kansas

Date organized:1857

County History:

  1. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas, Dickinson County 
  2. National Old Trails Road
  3. Dickinson County History

Historic Landmarks, State, National:

  1. Greyhound Hall of Fame
  2. Eisenhower Home
  3. National Register of Historical Places on Wikipedia
  4. Abaline and Smokey Valley Railroad

County Historical Society:

  1. Eisenhower Presidential Library
  2. Dickinson County Historical Society
  3. Dickinson County on Roots web

Websites about the county:

  1. Dickinson County, Kansas Government
  2. City of Abaline, Kansas | Abaline, Kansas on Facebook
  3. City of Chapman, Kansas | Chapman, Kansas on Facebook
  4. City of Herington, Kansas | Herington, Kansas on Facebook