Decatur County was created by the act of the legislature of 1873. It is one of the northern tier of counties in the northwestern part of the State; ten counties lie between it and the Missouri River, two between it and Colorado. Its area is 900 square miles. The name of the county was given to it in commemoration of Commodore Stephen Decatur, who was born in Sinnepaxent, Md., and killed in a duel with Commodore James Barron, March 20, 1820, and who was a prominent actor in the war of 1812. Source: Cutler's History of the State of Kansas
County Seat: Oberlin, Kansas
Date organized: December 11, 1879
County History:
Cutler's History of the State of Kansas,Decatur County
Historic Landmarks, State, National:
County Historical Society:
Websites about the county: