Personal Recollections of Pardee Butler
This is the first 35 chapters of the Project Gutenberg E Book of Personal Recollections of Pardee Butler which is a complete biography of Mrs. Rosetta B. Hasting's father. In her preface to the work, she states: "I have not attempted to write a complete biography of my father, but merely to supplement his "Recollections" with a few of my own reminiscences. He was a man who said little in his family about his early years, or about any of the occurrences of his eventful life. Nor did he ever keep any journal, or any account of his meetings, or of the number that he baptized. He seldom reported his meetings to the newspapers. I think it was only during the few years that he was employed by missionary societies, that he ever made reports of what he accomplished. He had even destroyed the most of his old letters. And so, for nearly all information outside of my own recollections, I have been indebted to the kindness of relatives and friends."
You may also down load the full text of the Personal Recollections of Pardee Butler here.