[Clark, September 1, 1804]
September 1st Satturday 1804 Mr. Durion left his Kettle which we gave
him, which we Sent to him and Set out under a gentle Breeze from the
South (raind half the last night,) proceded on--pass Calumet Bluff of a
yellowish read & a brownish white Hard clay, this Bluff is about 170 or
180 foot high here the highlands aproach the river on each Side with a
jentle assent, opsd. the Bluff a large Island Covered with timber is
Situated Close to the L. S. we passed the Island opposit which the high
land approach the river on both Side (river ros 3 Inchs last night)
passed a large Island Covered with wood on the L. S. Some rain, cloudy
all day--the river wide & Hils close on each Side, Came to before night
to go & See a Beaver house which is 11/2 Miles to the L. S. of the riv
Cap Lewis & my self with two men went to See this house which was
represented as high & situated in a Small pond. we could not find the
Pon. Drewyer Killed a Buck Elk, it is not necessary to mention fish as
we catch them at any place on the river, Camped at the lower point of
Bonhomme Island-
[Clark, September 1, 1804]
September 1st Satturday 1804
Mr. Dourion left his Kettle & Sent back for it &c. We Set out under a
jentle Breeze from the S. (It rained half the last night) proceeded on
pass the Bluffs Compsd. of a yellowish red, & brownish White Clay which
is a hard as Chalk this Bluff is 170 or 180 feet high, here the High
lands approach near the river on each Side, that on the S. S. not So
high as that on the L. S. opposit the Bluffs is Situated a large Island
Covered with timber close under the L. S. above the Isd the high land
approach & form a Clift to the river on the S. S. this Clift is Called
White Bear Clift one of those animals haveing been killed in a whole in
[Clark, September 1, 1804]
1st of September Satturday 1804
Some hard wind and rain, Cloudy all day, the river wide & hills on each
Side near the river, passd. a large (1) Island which appeared to be
composed of Sand, Covered with Cotton wood close under the S. S. we
landed at the Lower point of a large Island on the S. S. Called bon
homme or Good man, here Capt Lewis & my Self went out a Short distance
on the L. S. to See a Beave house, which was Said to be of Great hite &
Situated in a Pond we could not find the house and returned after night
Drewyer killed an Elk, & a Beaver. numbers of Cat fish cought, those
fish is so plenty that we catch them at any time and place in the river
[Clark, September 2, 1804]
2nd of Sept. Sunday 1804--Set out early & proceeded on passed the
Island & Came too above below a yellow Bluff on the S S. the Wind being
hard from the N W. verry Cold Some rain all day much Thunder &
lightning G Drewyer R. Fields Howard & Newmon Killed four fat Elk on
the Isld. we had them Jurked &the Skins Stretched to Cover the Perogues
water riseing, I observe Bear grass & Rhue in the Sides of the hills at
Sunset the wind luled and cleared up cool--Aired the meet all in high
Spirits--Shannon & the man Sent after him has not yet joind us
2 Sepr. description of a antient fortification
(1) From the river on the top of the antient fortification at this the
12 foot high 75 feet Base first Corse is from the river is S 76° W 96
yards. S 84° W. 53 yds. at this angle a kind of ravilene covering a
Saleport, bearing East widing N 69 W 300 yds. passed a gate way at 280
yds. the bank lower & forming a right angle of 30 yards--two wings or
mounds running from a high nold to the West of the way one 30 yards
back of the other Covering the gate (at this place the mound is 15 feet
8 Inches higher than the plain forming a Glassee outwards & 105 feet
base N. 32 W. 56 yards N. 20 W. 73 yards this part of the work is about
12 feet high, leavel & about 16 feet wide on the top) at the experation
of this course a low irregular work in a Direction to the river, out
Side of which is several ovel mounds of about 16 feet high and at the
iner part of the Gouge a Deep whole across the Gauge N.
32 W 96 yds. to the Commencment of a wall of about 8 feet high N.81° W.
533 yards to a Deep pond 73 yds in Deamuter, and 200 yards further to a
Saleport, where there is evident marks of its being Covered, the Same
Course Contined 1030 yards to the river bottom.
One half of the first part of the Fortification is washed into the
river, a Second line, has run from the Northrn extremity parrelel with
the river (as it appears to have run at that time) N. 56 W. this of
different hith from 4 to to 10 feet--The high land is about 3 me. from
this fortress, and rise to Small mountains Say from 3 to 400 feet the
high land on the opposit or North Side of the Missourie is 110 feet
forming a yellow Clay bluff to the water and is leavel back as fur as
can be Seen. I am informed by the inteperter & french, that they have
Seen, numbers of those fortifications in different parts of this Cty.
pirtcularly on the Platt Kansies and the North of this place on the
river Jacque.
two Small fortifications is on the Arc Creek on the upper side 1st 1/4
of a mile up & the 2d 1/4 higher, nearly Square each angle 100 yards
[Clark, September 2, 1804]
2nd September Sunday 1804
Set out early and proceeded on Passed the Island and Landed on the S. S
above under a yellow Clay bluff of 110 feet high, the wind blew verry
hard a head from the N. W. with Some rain and verry Cold, G. Drewnyer
R. Fields Newman & howard Killed four fine Elk we had the meat all
jurked and the Skins Dried to Cover the Perogue, on the Side of the
Bluff I observed Bear Grass & Rhue, at Sun Set the wind luled and
Cleared up Cold, the high land on the L. S. is verry high, & uneaven,
that on the S. S from 80 to 120 foot & is leavel back but fiew Small
Streems falling into the river.
I went out and made a Survey of the antient works which is Situated in
a level plain about 3 miles from the hills which are high.
A Discription of the Fortification
(1) Commenceing on the river opsid the Good Mans Island, first Course
from the river is
S. 76d W. 96 yards thence
S. 84 W. 53 yards (at this angle a kind of angle or horn work)
N. 69 W. 300 yards to a high part, passing the gateway Covered by two
half Circler works one back of the other lower than the main work the
gate forms a right angle projecting inward
N.32 W. 56 yards
N 20 W. 73 yards This part of the work appears to have either double,
or a covered way. from this Some irregular works appear to have been on
mounds between this and the river with a Deep round whole in the center
of a gorge formed by another angle
This part of the work is from 10 to 15 feet 8 Inches--the mounds of
various hights--the base of the work is from 75 to 105 feet, steep
inward and forming a kind of Glassee out wards
the Same Cours continued i e
N. 32°W. 96 yards to the Commencement of a wall from 8 to 10 feet high
this corse not on the wall but thro to the commencment of another
N. 81° W 1830 yards to the river & above where this bank Strikes the
river is the remains of a Circular work
in this Course at 533 yards a Deep Pond of 73 yards Diameter perfectly
round is in the Course of the bank which is about 8 feet high, from
this Pond the bank it lowers gradually--a bank about the Same hight
runs near the river, and must have joined the main work at a part which
is now washed into the river, this is also perfectly Streight and
widens from the main work, as the river above has washed in its banks
for A great distance I cannot form an Idear How those two long works
joined--where they Strike the river above, they are about 1100 yds
apart, I am informed by our freench interpeters that a great number of
those antint works are in Different parts of this Countrey, on the
Platt River, Kansus, Jacque, Osarge Mine river &c.
Small one is on Island opposit the one I have Discribed, and two of our
Party Saw two of those antient frtresses on the Pittiet Arc Creek on
the upper Side near the mouth, each angle of which were 100 yards and
about 8 feet high-
[Clark, September 3, 1804]
3rd September Monday 1804. Set out at Sun rise, verry Cold morning
clear and but little wind from the N W. we proceeded on, the river
wide, took an obsivation below Plumb Creek which mouths on the S S.
this Creek is Small & corns in between 2 white banks, Great quantities
of Plumbs of a most delisious flavour, I have collected the Seed of 3
Kinds which I intend to Send to my brother, also Som grapes of a
Superior quallity large & well flavoured, the river is riseing a
little, Several wild Goats Seen in the Plains they are wild & fleet Elk
& Buffalow is verry plenty, Scercely any timber in Countrey except a
little on the river in the Points. Saw Some Signs of the 2 men who are
a head, Colter has not over taken Shannon Camped on the L. S. at the
edge of a Plain-
[Clark, September 3, 1804]
3rd of September Monday 1804
a verry Cold morning wind from N. W. we Set out at Sun rise, &
proceeded on to a Bluff below the mouth of Plumb 12 yds. Creek on the
S. S. and took an obsevation of the Suns Altitude
This Creek is Small it "abounds with blumbs of a Delicious flavour" the
River is wide and Crouded with Sand bars--it is riseing a little but
little timber in this Countrey all that is, is on the river in the
points. we Came too on the L. Sin the edge of a Plain an Camped for the
night--we Saw Some Signs of the two men Shannon & Colter, Shannon
appeared to be a head of Colter--The White banks appear to Continu on
both sides of the river. Grapes plenty and finely flavered-
[Clark, September 4, 1804]
4th of September Tuesday 1804. a verry Cold wind from South E. by S. we
Set out early proceeded on to the mouth of a Small Creek in the bend to
the L. S. Called white line at 11/2 miles furthr passed the mouth of a
R au platte or White paint Cr about 25 yd. on Same Side Called, I
walked on the top of the hill forming a Cliff Covd. with red Ceeder an
extensive view from this hill, at 3 Miles from the Creek the high land
jut the river forming a Bluff of Bluish Clay Continu 11/2 miles Came to
at the mouth of Qui courre (rapid) this river Comes roleing its Sands
whuch (is corse) into the Missouris from the S W by W. this river is
152 yards across the water and not exeeding 4 feet Deep it does not
rise high when it Does it Spreds over a large Surface, and is not
navagable it has a Great many Small Islands & Sand bars I went up this
river 3 miles to the Spot the Panis once had a large Village on the
upper Side in a butifull extensive Plain riseing gradially from the
river I fel into a Buffalow road joined the boat late at night at the
Pania Island.
[Clark, September 4, 1804]
4th September Tuesday 1804
a verry Cold wind from the S. S. E, we Set out early and proceeded on
the mouth of a Small Creek in a bend to the L. S. Called White lime, at
11/2 miles higher up passed a large Creek on the L. S. Called or white
paint between those two Creeks (the latter of which is abt. 30 yds.
wide) we passed under a Bluff of red Ceeder, at 4 mes. 1/2 passed the
mouth of the River Que Courre (rapid R) on the L. S. and Came to a
Short distance above, this River is 152 yards wide at the mouth & 4
feet Deep Throwing out Sands like the Platt (only Corser) forming bars
in its mouth, I went up this river three miles to a butifull Plain on
the upper Side where the Panias once had a Village this river widens
above its mouth and is devided by Sand and Islands, the Current verry
rapid, not navagable for even Canoos without Great dificulty owing to
its Sands; the colour like that of the Plat is light the heads of this
river is not known, it Corns into the Missourie from the S. W. by West,
and I am told that is Genl. Course Some distance up is parrelel with
the Missourie
[Clark, September 5, 1804]
5th September 1804 Wednesday, Set out early the wind blew hard from the
South as it has for Some Days past, we Set up a jury mast & Sailed, I
saw a large gangue of Turkeys, also Grous Seen Passed a large Island of
about 3 miles long in the Middle of the river opposit the head of this
Island the Poncarre River Coms into the Missourei on the L. S.--the S.
S is a Clift under which great numbers of Springs run out of mineral
water, Saw Several wild goats on the Clift & Deer with black tales,-
Sent Shields & Gibson to the Poncas Towns, which is Situated on the
Ponca river on the lower side about two miles from its mouth in an open
butifull Plain, at this time this nation is out hunting the biffalow
they raise no corn or Beens, Gibson killed a Buffalow in the Town, The
two men which has been absent several Days is ahead, we came to on the
upper pt. of a large Island at 3 oClock to make a mast Sent out Some
hunters on the Island (which I call no preserve Island, at this place
we used the last of our Preservs) They killed 3 bucks, & two Elk which
[Clark, September 5, 1804]
September 5th Wednesday 1804
Set out early the winds blew hard from the South, Goats turkeys Seen to
day, passed a large Island (1) opsd. this Island near the head the
Poncasar River Coms into the Missourie from the West this river is
about 30 yards wide. dispatched two men to the Poncaries Village
Situated in a handsom Plain on the lower Side of this Creek about two
miles from the Missourie (the Poncasars nation is Small and at this
time out in the praries hunting the Buffalow), one of the men Sent to
the Village Killed a Buffalow in the town, the other, a large Buck near
it, Some Sign of the two men who is a head.
above the Island on the S. S We passed under a Bluff of Blue earth,
under which Seveal Mineral Springs broke out of the water of which had
a taste like Salts, we Came too on the upper point of a large Island
(which I call No preserves Island) here we made a Ceeder Mast, our
hunters brought in three bucks, and two elks this evening which we had
One of the hunter Shields, informed that he Saw Several black tailed
Deer, near the Poncaser Village
[Lewis, September 5, 1804]
Sept 5th
saw some wild goats or antelopes on the hill above the Glauber Salts
Springs they ran off we could not discover them sufficiently distinctly
to discribe even their colour their track is as large as a deer reather
broader & more blont at the point
This day one of our hunters brought us a Serpent beautifully variagated
with small black spotts of a romboydal form on a light yellow white
ground the black pedominates most on the back the whiteis yellow on the
sides, and it is nearly white on the belly with a few party couloured
scuta on which the black shews but imperfectly and the colouring matter
seems to be underneath the Scuta--it is not poisonous it hisses
remarkably loud; it has 221 Scuta on the belly and 51 on the tale, the
eyes are of a dark black colour the tale terminates in a sharp point
like the substance of a cock's spur--Length 4 Ft. 6 I.
[Clark, September 6, 1804]
6th Septr Thursday 1804, a Storm this morning from the N W. at day
light which lasted a fiew minits, Set out after the Storm was over and
proceeded on a hard wind ahead passed the island which is Seperated
from the L. Side by a narrow Channel. the morning is verry Cold.
Camped on S. Side before night no timbering in reach ahead, R. Fields
killed 2 Deer Saw Buffalow, & Goats this evening, the river riseing a
[Clark, September 6, 1804]
Septr. 6th Thursday 1804
a Storm this morning from the N. W. which lasted a fiew minits, we Set
out and proceeded on passed the head of the Isd. which is Seperated
from the L. S by a narrow Channel, a hard wind from the N. W. a verry
Cold day--we Camped on the S. S. at the upper point of Some timber,
Some time before night, no timber, no timber being in reach.
I saw Several goats on the hills on the S. S. also Buffalow in great
[Clark, September 7, 1804]
7th September Friday 1804. a verry Cold morning Set out at Day light
near the foot of this high Nole we discovered a Village of an annamale
the french Call the Prarie Dog which burrow in the grown & with the
rattle Snake and Killed one & Caught one Dog alive caught in a whole 2
frogs near the hole Killed a Dark Rattle Snake with a Prairie dog in him
The Village of those little dogs is under the ground a conisiderable
distance we dig under 6 feet thro rich hard clay without getting to
their Lodges Some of their wholes we put in 5 barrels of water without
driveing them out, we caught one by the water forceing him out. ther
mouth resemble the rabit, head longer, legs short, & toe nails
long ther tail like a ground Squirel which they Shake and make
chattering noise ther eyes like a dog, their colour is Gray and Skin
contains Soft fur
[Clark, September 7, 1804]
7th Septr. 1804
Septr. 7th Friday a verry Cold morning Set out at day light we landed
after proceding 51/2 miles, near the foot of a round mounting which I
saw yesterday resembling a dome.
Capt Lewis & my Self walked up, to the top which forms a Cone and is
about 70 feet higher than the high lands around it, the Bass is about
300 foot in decending this Cupola, discovered a Village of Small
animals that burrow in the grown (those animals are Called by the
french Pitite Chien) Killed one & Cought one a live by poreing a great
quantity of water in his hole we attempted to dig to the beds of one of
thos animals, after diging 6 feet, found by running a pole down that we
were not half way to his Lodges, we found 2 frogs in the hole, and
killed a Dark rattle Snake near with a Ground rat in him, (those rats
are numerous) the Village of those animals Covs. about 4 acrs of Ground
on a Gradual decent of a hill and Contains great numbers of holes on
the top of which those little animals Set erect make a Whistleing noise
and whin allarmed Slip into their hole--we por'd into one of the holes
5 barrels of water without filling it, Those Animals are about the Size
of a Small Squrel Shorter & thicker, the head much resembling a Squirel
in every respect, except the ears which is Shorter, his tail like a
ground Squirel which thy Shake & whistle when allarmd. the toe nails
long, they have fine fur & the longer hair is gray, it is Said that a
kind of Lizard also a Snake reside with those animals. Camped
[Lewis and Clark, September 8, 1804]
8th of September 1804 Satturday. Set out early and proceeded on under a
Gentle breese from the S. E. at 3 mes passed the place where Trodow
wintered one winter
I went out to day on the S. S with a view to find Some of the little
dogs, and Coats, Traveled over a riged and mountanious Countrey without
water & riseing to 5 or 600 hundred feet, Islands & Sands interveneing
prevt. my getting to the boat untill after night, in my absent Capt.
Lewis killed a Buffalow, I saw Greid many Buffalow & white wolves.
(Sailed all day)
[Clark, September 8, 1804]
8th of September Satturday
Set out early and proceeded on under a gentle Breeze from the S. E, at
3 mes. passed the house of Troodo where he wintered in 96. Called the
Pania house, above is high hills on the S. S. on the S. S. much higher
hills than usial appear to the North distant 8 miles recently burnt-
pass 3 Small Islands at about 5 miles on this Course on the S. S. here
Capt. Lewis Killed a Buffalow in the river, and this men one other Came
to on the lower point of an Island in the midlle of the river Called
Boat Island and incamped, jurked the meet Killed to day Consisting of 2
buffalow, one large Buck Elk one Small, 4 Deer 3 Turkeys & a Squirel, I
joined the boat at this Camp, The Countrey on the S S. is pore & broken.
[Clark and Whitehouse, September 9, 1804]
9th Septembr Sunday, Set out at Sunrise and proceeded on passed the
Island Several gangus of Buffalow on the Sides of the hils on the L. S.
halted on L. Side took breakfast. Capt. Clark walked on Shore, we
proceeded on
R. Fields came to the Boat had killed one Buffalow. passed red ceeder
on the edge of the hills on bouth Sides of the river but most on the
bluff on
[Clark, September 9, 1804]
9th September Sunday 1804
Set out at Sunrise and proceeded on passed the head of the Island on
which we Camped, passed three Sand & willow Islands, the Sand bars So
noumerous, it is not worth mentioning them, the river Shoal or Shallow
wind S E Came too and Camped on a Sand bar on the L. S. Capt Lewis went
out to Kill a buffalow. I walked on Shore all this evening with a view
to Kill a Goat or Some Prarie Dogs in the evening after the boat
landed, I Derected my Servent York with me to kill a Buffalow near the
boat from a numbr. then Scattered in the plains, I saw at one view near
the river at least 500 Buffalow, those animals have been in view all
day feeding in the Plains on the L. S. every Copse of timber appear to
have Elk or Deer. D. Killed 3 Deer, I Kiled a Buffalow Y. 2, R. Fields
[Lewis, September 9, 1804]
Sept. 9th
Capt. Clark found on the Lard shore under a high bluff issuing from a
blue earth a bittuminus matter resembling molasses in consistance,
colour and taste-
[Clark, September 10, 1804]
10th September Monday a Cloudy morning Set out early under a Gentle
Breeze from the S E. passed two Small Islands one on the L. S. & the
other on the S. S. both in the first Course at 101/2 miles passed the
lower pt. of Ceder Island Situated in a bend to the L. S. this Island
is about 2 miles long Covered with red Ceder, the river is verry
Shallow opsd. this Island--below the Island on the top of a ridge we
found a back bone with the most of the entire laying Connected for 45
feet those bones are petrified, Some teeth & ribs also Connected. at 3
mes. above ceder I passed a large Island on the S. S. to this Island
Several Elk Swam above this Island on the Midle is Situated 2 Islands
small one above the other, those Islands are Called mud Islands and
camped on the upper Island of them 3 Buffalow 1 Elk &c. Killed to day,
river falling a large Salt Spring of remarkable Salt water much
frequented by Buffalow, Some Smaller Springs on the Side of the hill
above less Salt, the water excesiv Salt, and is 11/2 miles from the
river on the S. W. or L. S. opposit Ceder Island-
[Clark, September 10, 1804]
10th September Monday 1804.
a Cloudy dark morning Set out early, a Gentle breeze from the S. E,
passed two Small Islands on the L. S. and one on the S. S. all in the
first Course at 101/2 miles passed the lower point of an (2) Island
Covered with red Ceeder Situated in a bend on the L. S. this Island is
about 2 Moles in length (1) below this on a hill on the L. S. we found
the back bone of a fish, 45 feet long tapering to the tale, &c. those
joints were Seperated and all petrefied, opposit this Island 11/2 miles
from the river on the L. S. is a large Salt Spring of remarkable Salt
water. one other high up the hill 1/2 me. not So Salt.
we proceeded on under a Stiff Breeze. three miles above Ceder Island
passed a large Island on the S. S, no water on that Side (3) Several
elk Swam to this Island passed a Small Island near the Center of the
river, of a mile in length, and Camped on one aboav Seperated from the
other by a narrow Chanel, Those Islands are Called Mud Islands--the
hunters killed 3 fuffalow & one Elk to day. The river is falling a
little, Great number of Buffalow & Elk on the hill Sides feeding deer
we came too at the mouth of a Creek on the L. S. at Dark in a heavy
Shower of rain, it Continued to rain the greater part of the night,
with a hard wind from the N W Cold
[Clark, September 11, 1804]
Septr. 11th Tuesday 1804 Set out early a Cloudy morning the river verry
wide from one hill to the other, with many Sand bars passed the Isd. on
which we lay at a mile passed three Isds. one on the L. S. (1/4 of a
mile from it on the L. S. a village of little Dogs. I Killed four, this
village is 800 yards wide & 970 yds. long on a jentle Slope of a hill
in a plain, those animals are noumerous) the other two Islands are on
the S. S. the river is verry Shallow & wide, the boat got a ground
Several times--The man G Shannon, who left us with the horses above the
Mahar Village, and beleving us to be ahead pushed on as long as he
Could, joined us he Shot away what fiew Bullets he had with him, and in
a plentiful) Countrey like to have Starvd. he was 12 days without
provision, Subsisting on Grapes at the Same the Buffalow, would Come
within 30 yards of his Camp, one of his horses gave out & he left him
before his last belluts were Consumed--I saw 3 large Spoted foxes today
a black tailed Deer, & Killed a Buck elk & 2 Deer, one othr Elk 2 Deer
& a Porkipine Killed to day at 12 oClock it became Cloudy and rained
all the after noon, & night.
[Clark, September 11, 1804]
Sept. 11th Tuesday 1804
a cloudy morning, Set out verry early, the river wide & Shallow the
bottom narrow, & the river Crouded with Sand bars, passed the Island on
which we lay at one mile-, pased three Islands one on the L. S. and 2
on the S. S. opposit the Island on the L. S. I Saw a village of Barking
Squriel 970 yds. long, and 800 yds. wide Situated on a gentle Slope of
a hill, those anamals are noumerous, I killed 4 with a view to have
their Skins Stufed.
here the man who left us with the horses 22 days ago and has been a
head ever Since joined, us nearly Starved to Death, he had been 12 days
without any thing to eate but Grapes & one Rabit, which he Killed by
shooting a piece of hard Stick in place of a ball-. This man Supposeing
the boat to be a head pushed on as long as he Could, when he became
weak and fiable deturmined to lay by and waite for a tradeing boat,
which is expected Keeping one horse for the last resorse,--thus a man
had like to have Starved to death in a land of Plenty for the want of
Bulletes or Something to kill his meat we Camped on the L. S. above the
mouth of a run a hard rain all the after noon, & most of the night,
with hard wind from the N W. I walked on Shore the fore part of this
day over Some broken Country which Continus about 3 miles back & then
is leavel & rich all Plains, I saw Several foxes & Killed a Elk & 2
Deer. & Squirels the men with me killed an Elk, 2 Deer & a Pelican
Some rain all day to day & Cold
I walked on Shore Saw Several foxes Several Villages of Prarie dogs,
and a number of Grouse
[Clark, September 12, 1804]
Septr. 12th Wednesday 1804
a Dark Cloudy Day the wind hard from the N. W. we passed (1) a Island
the middle of the river at the head of which we found great dificuelty
in passing between the Sand bars the water Swift and Shallow, it took
3/4 of the day to make one mile, we Camped on the L. S. opsd. a Village
of Barking Prarie Squriels
I walked out in the morning and Saw Several Villages of those little
animals, also a great number of Grous & 3 foxes, and observed Slate &
Coal mixed, Some verry high hills on each Side of the river. rains a
little all day.
[Clark, September 13, 1804]
13th Septr. Thursday 1804
a Dark Drizzley Day, G D Cought 4 Beaver last night the winds from the
N W. Cold Set out early and proceeded on verry well passed a number of
Sand bars, Capt Lewis killed a Porcupin on a Cotton treee fieeding on
the leaves & bowers of the Said tree, the water is verry Shallow being
Crouded with Sand bars Camped on the S. Side under a Bluff. the Bluffs
on the S. S. not So much impregnated with mineral as on the L. S.
muskeetors verry troublesom-.
[Lewis, September 13, 1804]
September 13th
Killed a bluewinged teal and a Porcupine; found it in a Cottonwood tree
near the river on the Lard. Shore--the leaves of the Cottonwood were
much distroyed--as were those of the Cottonwood trees in it's
neighbourhood. I therefore supposed that it fed on the folage of trees
at this season, the flesh of this anamal is a pleasant and whoalsome
food--the quills had not yet obtained their usual length--it has four
long toes, before on each foot, and the same number behind with the
addition of one short one on each hind foot on the inner side. the toes
of the feet are armed with long black nails particularly the fore feet-
they weigh from 15 to 20 lbs--they resemble the slowth very much in the
form of their hands, or fore feet. their teeth and eyes are like the
[Clark, September 14, 1804]
Septr 14th Friday 1804 Course Dists & rifur. Set out early proceeded on
passed Several Sand bars water wide & Shallow N. 68° W. 23/4 mes. to a
pt. of high Land on the L. S. passed a round Island on the S S.--Caught
3 beaver last night, Some drizzeley rain Cloudy & Disagreeable and Som
hard Showers, I walked on Shore with a view to find an old Volcano Said
to be in this neghbourhood by Mr. McKey I was Some distance out Could
not See any Signs of a Volcanoe, I killed a Goat, which is peculier to
this Countrey about the hite of a Grown Deer Shorter, its horns Coms
out immediately abov its eyes broad 1 Short prong the other arched &
Soft the color is a light gray with black behind its ears, white round
its neck, no beard, his Sides & belly white, and around its taile which
is Small & white and Down its hams, actively made his brains on the
back of its head, his noisterals large, his eyes like a Sheep only 2
hoofs on each foot no antelrs (more like the antelope or gazella of
Africa than any other Specis of Goat). Shields Killed a Hare weighing
61/2 lb. verry pore, the head narrow and its ears 3 Inches wide and 6
long, from the fore to the end of the hind foot; is 2 feet 11 Inch.
hite 1 foot 13/4 its tail long & thick white, clearly the mountain Hare
of Europe, a rainy evening all wett The Soil of those Plains washes
down into the flats, with the Smallest rain & disolves & mixes with the
water we See back from the river high hills in a leavel plain,
evidently the remains of mountains, what mud washed into the river
within those few days has made it verry mudy, passed two Small Creeks
on the L. S. & Camped below a 3rd on the L. S. rained all evening
[Clark, September 14, 1804]
14th Septr. Friday 1804. Set out early proceeded on passed Several Sand
bars the river wide and Shallow 3 beaver Caught last night, Drizeley
rain in the forepart of this day, cloudy and disagreeable, I walked on
Shore with a view to find an old Vulcanio, Said to be in this
neighbourhood by Mr. J. McKey of St. Charles. I walked on Shore the
whole day without Seeing any appearance of the Villcanoe, in my walk I
Killed a Buck Goat of this Countrey, about the hight. of the Grown
Deer, its body Shorter, the Horns which is not very hard and forks 2/3
up one prong Short the other round & Sharp arched, and is imediately
above its Eyes the Colour is a light gray with black behind its ears
down its neck, and its Jaw white round its neck, its Sides and its rump
round its tail which is Short & white verry actively made, has only a
pair of hoofs to each foot. his brains on the back of his head, his
Norstral large, his eyes like a Sheep--he is more like the Antilope or
Gazella of Africa than any other Species of Goat. Shields Killed a Hare
like the mountain hare of Europe, waighing 61/4 pounds (altho pore) his
head narrow, its ears large i, e, 6 Inches long & 3 Inchs wide one half
of each white, the other & out part a lead grey from the toe of the
hind foot to toe of the for foot is 2 feet 11 Inches, the hith is 1
foot 1 Inche & 3/4, his tail long thick & white.
The rain Continued the Greater part of the day in My ramble I observed,
that all those parts of the hills which was Clear of Grass easily
disolved and washed into the river and bottoms, and those hils under
which the river run, Sliped into it and disolves and mixes with the
water of the river, the bottoms of the river was covered with the water
and mud frome the hills about three Inches deep--those bottoms under
the hils which is Covered with Grass also a great quantity of mud.
Passed 2 Small Creeks on the L. S and Camped below the third, (the
place that Shannon the man who went a head lived on grapes) Some heavy
Showers of rain all wet, had the Goat & rabit Stufed rained all night
[Lewis, September 14, 1804]
September 14th 1804 this day Capt. Clark killed a male wild goat so
called--it's weight 65 lbs.
length from point of nose to point of tail 4 9
hight to the top of the wethers 3 -
do. behind 3 -
girth of the brest 3 1
girth of the neck close to the shoulders 2 2
do. near the head 1 7
Eye deep sea green, large percing and reather prominent, & at or near
the root of the horn within one 1/4 inches
[Lewis, September 14, 1804]
Sept. 14th 1804. Shields killed a hare of the prarie, weight six pounds
and 1/4
F. I.
Length from point of hind to extremity fore feet 2 11
hight when standing erect 1 1 3/4
length from nose to tale 2 1
girth of body 1 2 3/4
length of tale
length of the year -- 5 1/2
width of do. do. -- 3 1/8
from the extremity of the hip to the toe of the hind foot 1 3 1/2
the eye is large and prominent the sight is circular, deep sea green,
and occupyes one third of the width of the eye the remaining two thirds
is a ring of a bright yellowish silver colour. the years ar placed at
the upper part of the head and very near to each other, the years are
very flexable, the anamall moves them with great ease and quickness and
can contrat and foald them on his back or delate them at pleasure--the
front outer foald of the year is a redis brown, the inner foalds or
those which ly together when the years are thrown back and wich occupy
two thirds of the width of the year is of a clear white colour except
one inch at the tip of the year which is black, the hinder foald is of
a light grey--the head back sholders and outer part of the thighs are
of a ledcoloured grey the sides as they approache the belly grow
lighter becomeing gradually more white the belly and brest are white
with a shad of lead colour--the furr is long and fine--the tale is
white round and blounty pointed the furr on it is long and extreemly
fine and soft when it runs it carry's it's tale strait behind the
direction of the body--the body is much smaller and more length than
the rabbit in proportion to it's height--the teeth are like those of
the hair or rabbit as is it's upper lip split--it's food is grass or
herbs--it resorts the open plains, is extreemly fleet and never burrows
or takes shelter in the ground when pursued, I measured the leaps of
one which I suprised in the plains on the 17th Inst. and found them 21
feet the ground was a little decending they apear to run with more ease
and to bound with greater agility than any anamall I ever saw. this
anamal is usually single seldom associating in any considerable numbers.
[Clark, September 15, 1804]
September the 15th Satturday 1804 Set out early passed the Mouth of a
creek on the L S. where Shannon lived on grapes waiting for Mr.
Clintens boat Supposeing we had went on, Capt Lewis and my Self halted
at the mouth of White River & wend up a Short Crossed &, this river is
about 400 yards, the water Confined within 150 yards, the Current
regularly Swift, much resembling the Missourie, Sand bars makeing out
from the points, Some Islands we Sent up two men to go up this river
one Day and Meet us to morrow we proceeded on passed a Small Island
Covered with Ceder timber, & great number of rabits, no game except
rabits, and Camped on the S. S. opposit a large Creek, on which there
is more wood than usial on Creeks in this quaterr this creek raised 14
feet last rain I Killed a Buck elk & a Deer.
[Clark, September 15, 1804]
15th September Satturday 1804
Set out early passed the mo of the Creek, and the mouth of White river;
(1) Capt Lewis and my Self went up this river a Short distance and
Crossed, found that this differed verry much from the Plat or que
Courre, threw out but little Sand, about 300 yard wide, the water
confind within 150 yards, the current regular & Swift much resemblig
the Missourie, with Sand bars from the points a Sand Island in the
mouth, in the point is a butifull Situation for a Town 3 Gradual
assents, and a much Greater quantity of timber about the mouth of this
river than usial, we concluded to Send Some distance up this river
detached Sjt. Gass & R. Fields. we proceeded on passed a Small (2)
Island Covered with Ceeder on I Saw great numbers of Rabits & Grapes,
this Island is Small & Seperated from a large Sand Isd. at its upper
point by a narrow Channel, & is Situated nearest the L. Side. Camped on
the S. S. opposit the mouth of a large Creek on which there is more
timber than is usial on Creeks of this Size, this Creek raised 14 feet
the last rains. I killed a Buck Elk & Deer, this evening is verry Cold,
Great many wolves of Different Sorts howling about us. the wind is hard
from the N W this evening
[Lewis, September 16, 1804]
Sunday September 16th 1804.
This morning set out at an early hour, and come too at 1/2 after 7 A.M.
on the Lard. Shore 11/4 miles above the mouth of a small creek which we
named Corvus, in consequence of having kiled a beatiful bird of that
genus near it we concluded to ly by at this place the ballance of this
day and the next, in order to dry our baggage which was wet by the
heavy showers of rain which had fallen within the last three days, and
also to lighten the boat by transfering a part of her lading to the red
perogue, which we now determined to take on with us to our winter
residence wherever that might be; while some of the men were imployed
in this necessary labour others were dressing of skins washing and
mending their cloaths &c. Capt. Clark and myself kiled each a buck
immediately on landing near our encampment; the deer were very gentle
and in great numbers on this bottom which had more timber on it than
any part of the river we had seen for many days past, consisting of
Cottonwood Elm, some indifferent ash and a considerable quanty of a
small species of white oak which is loaded with acorns of an excellent
flavor very little of the bitter roughness of the nuts of most species
of oak, the leaf of this oak is small pale green and deeply indented,
it seldom rises higher than thirty feet is much branched, the bark is
rough and thick and of a light colour; the cup which contains the acorn
is fringed on it's edges and imbraces the nut about one half; the
acorns were now falling, and we concluded that the number of deer which
we saw here had been induced thither by the acorns of which they are
remarkably fond. almost every species of wild game is fond of the
acorn, the Buffaloe Elk, deer, bear, turkies, ducks, pigegians and even
the wolves feed on them; we sent three hunters out who soon added eight
deer and two Buffaloe to our strock of provisions; the Buffaloe were so
pour that we took only the tongues skins and marrow bones; the skins
were particularly acceptable as we were in want of a covering for the
large perogue to secure the baggage; the clouds during this day and
night prevented my making any observations. Sergt. Gass and Reubin
Fields whom we had sent out yesterday to explore the White river
returnd at four oclock this day and reported that they had foil
meanders of that stream about 12 miles r's general course West, the
present or principal channel iro yards wide; the coulour of the water
and rapidity and manner of runing resembled the Missouri presisely; the
country broken on the border of the river about a mile, when the level
planes commence and extend as far as the eye can reach on either side;
as usual no timber appeared except such as from the steep declivities
of hills, or their moist situations, were sheltered from the effects of
the fire. these extensive planes had been lately birnt and the grass
had sprung up and was about three inches high. vast herds of Buffaloe
deer Elk and Antilopes were seen feeding in every direction as far as
the eye of the observer could reach.
[Clark, September 16, 1804]
September 16th Sunday, we proceeded on 11/4 Miles and Camped on the L.
Side in a butifull Plain Surounded with timber in which we Saw Severall
Der, we delayed here for the purpose of Drying the articles which were
wet & the cloathes to Load the Perogue which we had intended to send
back, finding the water too Shoal Deturmind to take on the Perogue also
to make Some observations for Longitude &c. the two men G. & R. F.
joined us and informed "that the river as far as they were up had much
the Appearance of the river about the mouth, but little timber and that
chiefly elm", the up land between this river & the White river is fine,
Great numbers of Goat, Deer of three kinds, Buffalow, & wolves, &
Barking Squrels, The fallow Deer, Cloudy, all day Cleaning out the boat
examining & Drying the goods, & loading the Perogue, I killed 2 Deer
Capt Lewis one & a Buffalow, one Buffalow & five other Deer Killed. I
observed Pine Burs & Burch Sticks in the Drift wood up white river
which Coms in on the L. S. imedeately in the point is a butifull
Situation for a town 3 Gentle rises, & more timber about the mouth of
this river than usial
[Clark, September 16, 1804]
16th of September Sunday 1804
We Set out verry early & proceed'd on 11/4 miles between Sand bars and
Came too on the L. S. (1)--deturmined to dry our wet thig and liten the
boat which we found could not proceed with the present load for this
purpose we Concluded to detain the Perogue we had intended to Send back
& load her out of the boat & detain the Soldiers untill Spring & Send
them from our winter quarters. We put out those articles which was wet,
Clean'd the boat & perogus, examined all the Locker Bails &. &c. &.
This Camp is Situated in a butifull Plain Serounded with Timber to the
extent of 3/4 of a mile in which there is great quantities of fine
Plumbs The two men detachd up the White river joined us here & informed
that the river as far as they were up had much the appearance of the
Missourie Som Islands & Sands little Timber Elm, (much Signs of Beaver,
Great many buffalow) & Continud its width, they Saw & well as my Self
Pine burs & Sticks of Birch in the Drift wood up this river, They Saw
also Number of Goats Such as I Killed, also wolves near the Buffalow
falling Deer, & the Barking Squrels Villages Capt. Lewis went to hunt &
See the Countrey near the Kamp he killed a Buffalow & a Deer
Cloudy all day I partly load the empty Perogue out of the Boat. I
killed 2 Deer & the party 4 Deer & a Buffalow the we kill for the Skins
to Cover the Perogus, the meet too pore to eat. Capt Lewis went on an
Island above our Camp, this Island is abt. one mile long, with a Great
purpotion ceder timber near the middle of it
I gave out a flannel Shirt to each man, & powder to those who had
expended thers
[Lewis, September 17, 1804]
Monday September 17th 1804.
Having for many days past confined myself to the boat, I determined to
devote this day to amuse myself on shore with my gun and view the
interior of the country lying between the river and the Corvus Creek-
accordingly before sunrise I set out with six of my best hunters, two
of whom I dispatched to the lower side of Corvus creek, two with orders
to hunt the bottoms and woodland on the river, while I retained two
others to acompany me in the intermediate country. one quarter of a
mile in rear of our camp which was situated in a fine open grove of
cotton wood passed a grove of plumb trees loaded with fruit and now
ripe. observed but little difference between this fruit and that of a
similar kind common to the Atlantic States. the trees are smaller and
more thickly set. this forrest of plumb trees garnish a plain about 20
feet more lelivated than that on which we were encamped; this plain
extends back about a mile to the foot of the hills one mile distant and
to which it is gradually ascending this plane extends with the same
bredth from the creek below to the distance of near three miles above
parrallel with the river, and is intirely occupyed by the burrows of
the barking squril hertefore discribed; this anamal appears here in
infinite numbers, and the shortness and virdue of grass gave the plain
the appearance throughout it's whole extent of beatifull bowlinggreen
in fine order. it's aspect is S. E. a great number of wolves of the
small kind, balks and some pole-cats were to be seen. I presume that
those anamals feed on this squirril.--found the country in every
direction for about three miles intersected with deep reveries and
steep irregular hills of 100 to 200 feet high; at the tops of these
hills the country breakes of as usual into a fine leavel plain
extending as far as the eye can reach. from this plane I had an
extensive view of the river below, and the irregular hills which border
the opposite sides of the river and creek. the surrounding country had
been birnt about a month before and young grass had now sprung up to
hight of 4 Inches presenting the live green of the spring. to the West
a high range of hills, strech across the country from N. to S and
appeared distant about 20 miles; they are not very extensive as I could
plainly observe their rise and termination no rock appeared on them and
the sides were covered with virdue similar to that of the plains this
senery already rich pleasing and beatiful, was still farther hightened
by immence herds of Buffaloe deer Elk and Antelopes which we saw in
every direction feeding on the hills and plains. I do not think I
exagerate when I estimate the number of Buffaloe which could be
compreed at one view to amount to 3000. my object was if possible to
kill a female Antelope having already procured a male; I pursued my
rout on this plain to the west flanked by my two hunters untill eight
in the morning when I made the signal for them to come to me which they
did shortly after. we rested our selves about half an hour, and
regailed ourselves on half a bisquit each and some jirk of Elk which we
had taken the precaution to put in our pouches in the morning before we
set out, and drank of the water of a small pool which had collected on
this plain from the rains which had fallen some days before. We had now
after various windings in pursuit of several herds of antelopes which
we had seen on our way made the distance of about eight miles from our
camp. we found the Antelope extreemly shye and watchfull insomuch that
we had been unable to get a shot at them; when at rest they generally
seelect the most elivated point in the neighbourhood, and as they are
watchfull and extreemly quick of sight and their sense of smelling very
accute it is almost impossible to approach them within gunshot; in
short they will frequently discover and flee from you at the distance
of three miles. I had this day an opportunity of witnessing the agility
and superior fleetness of this anamal which was to me really
astonishing. I had pursued and twice surprised a small herd of seven,
in the first instance they did not discover me distinctly and therefore
did not run at full speed, tho they took care before they rested to
gain an elivated point where it was impossible to approach them under
cover except in one direction and that happened to be in the direction
from which the wind blew towards them; bad as the chance to approach
them was, I made the best of my way towards them, frequently peeping
over the ridge with which I took care to conceal myself from their view
the male, of which there was but one, frequently incircled the summit
of the hill on which the females stood in a group, as if to look out
for the approach of danger. I got within about 200 paces of them when
they smelt me and fled; I gained the top of the eminece on which they
stood, as soon as possible from whence I had an extensive view of the
country the antilopes which had disappeared in a steep revesne now
appeared at the distance of about three miles on the side of a ridge
which passed obliquely across me and extended about four miles. so soon
had these antelopes gained the distance at which they had again
appeared to my view I doubted at ferst that they were the same that I
had just surprised, but my doubts soon vanished when I beheld the
rapidity of their flight along the ridge before me it appeared reather
the rappid flight of birds than the motion of quadrupeds. I think I can
safely venture the asscertion that the speed of this anamal is equal if
not superior to that of the finest blooded courser.--this morning I saws
[Clark, September 17, 1804]
17th of Septr. Monday 1804 above White river Dried all those articles
which had got wet by the last rain, a fine day Capt Lewis went hunting
with a vew to seethe Countrey &its productions, he was out all Day
Killed a Buffalow & a remarkable bird of the Spicies of Corvus, long
tail of a Greenish Purple, Varigated a Beck like a Crow white round its
neck comeing to a point on its back, its belley white feet like a Hawk
abt. the size of a large Pigeon Capt Lewis returned at Dark. I took the
Meridian & equal altitudes to day made the Lattitude.
Colter Killed a Goat, & a Curious kind of Deer, a Darker grey than
Common the hair longer & finer, the ears verry large & long a Small
resepitical under its eye its tail round and white to near the end
which is black & like a Cow in every other respect like a Deer, except
it runs like a goat. large.
The hunters brought in 8 fallow Deer & 5 Common Deer to day, Great
numbers of Buffalow in the Praries, also a light Coloured woolf Covered
with hair & corse fur, also a Small wolf with a large bushey tail--Some
Goats of a Different Kind Seen to day,--Great many Plumbs, rabits,
Porcupines & barking Squrels, Capt Lewis Killed a rattle Snake in a
village of the Squirel's and Saw a Hair to day. Wind from the S. W. we
finished Drying our Provisions Some of which was wet and Spoiled,
[Clark, September 17, 1804]
17th of September Monday 1804
Dried all our wet articles this fine Day, Capt Lewis went out with a
View to see the Countrey and its productions, he was out all day he
killed a Buffalow and a remarkable Bird of the Corvus Species long tail
the upper part of the feathers & also the wing is of a purplish
variated Green, the black, a part of the wing feather are white edjed
with black, white belley, white from the root of the wings to Center of
the back is white, the head nake breast & other parts are black the
Becke like a Crow. abt. the Size of a large Pigion. a butifull thing
(See Suplement in No. 3)
I took equal altitudes and a meridian altitude. Capt. Lewis returned at
Dark, Colter Killed a Goat like the one I killed and a curious kind of
deer of a Dark gray Colr. more so than common, hair long & fine, the
ears large & long, a Small reseptical under the eyes; like an Elk, the
Taile about the length of Common Deer, round (like a Cow) a tuft of
black hair about the end, this Speces of Deer jumps like a goat or Sheep
8 fallow Deer 5 Common & 3 buffalow killed to day, Capt. Lewis Saw a
hare & Killed a Rattle Snake in a village of B. squerels The wind from
S. W. Dryed our provisions, Some of which was much Damaged.
[Lewis, September 17, 1804]
Sept. 17th
one of the hunters killed a bird of the Corvus genus and order of the
pica & about the size of a jack-daw with a remarkable long tale.
beautifully variagated. it note is not disagreeable though loud it is
twait twait twait, twait; twait, twait twait, twait.
from tip to tip of wing 1 10
Do. beak to extremity of tale 1 8 1/2
of which the tale occupys 1 1
from extremity of middle toe to hip 5 1/2
it's head, beak, and neck are large for a bird of it's size; the beak
is black, and of a convex and cultrated figure, the chops nearly equal,
and it's base large and beset with hairs--the eyes are black encircled
with a narrow ring of yellowish black it's head, neck, brest & back
within one inch of the tale are of a fine glossey black, as are also
the short fathers of the under part of the wing, the thies and those
about the root of the tale. the belly is of a beatifull white which
passes above and arround the but of the wing, where the feathers being
long reach to a small white spot on the rump one inch in width--the
wings have nineteen feathers, of which the ten first have the longer
side of their plumage white in the midde of the feather and occupying
unequal lengths of the same from one to three inches, and forming when
the wing is spead a kind of triangle the upper and lower part of these
party coloured feathers on the under side of the wing being of dark
colour but not jut or shining black. the under side of the remaining
feathers of the wing are darker. the upper side of the wing, as well as
the short side of the plumage of the party coloured feathers is of a
dark blackis or bluish green sonetimes presenting as light orange
yellow or bluish tint as it happens to be presented to different
exposures of ligt--the plumage of the tale consits of 12 feathers of
equal lengths by pairs, those in the center are the longest, and the
others on each side deminishing about an inch each pair--the underside
of the feathers is a pale black, the upper side is a dark bluefish
green which like the outer part of the wings is changable as it
reflects different portions of light. towards the the extremely of
these feathers they become of an orrange green, then shaded pass to a
redish indigo blue, and again at the extremity assume the predominant
colour of changeable green--the tints of these feathers are very
similar and equally as beatiful and rich as the tints of blue and green
of the peacock--it is a most beatifull bird.--the legs and toes are
black and imbricated. it has four long toes, three in front and one in
rear, each terminated with a black sharp tallon from 3/8ths to 1/2 an
inch in length.--these birds are seldom found in parties of more than
three or four and most usually at this season single as the balks and
other birds of prey usually are--it's usual food is flesh--this bird
dose not spread it's tail when it flys and the motion of it's wings
when flying is much like that of a Jay-bird-
The White turkey of the black hills from information of a french lad
who wintered with the Chien Indians About the size of the common wild
turkey the plumage perfectly white--this bird is booted as low as the
[Clark, September 18, 1804]
Septr. 18
I Killed a prarie wolf to day about the Sise of a Gray fox with a
bushey tail the head and ears like a Fox wolf, and barks like a Small
Dog--The annimale which we have taken for the Fox is this wolf, we have
seen no Foxes.
18 Septr. Tuesday Set out early wind from the N W. Modrt. our boat
being much litened goes much better than usial
[Clark, September 18, 1804]
September 18th Tuesday 1804
Wind from the N W. we Set out early the boat much lightened, the wind a
head proceed on verry Slowly (1) Passed an I a Island about the middle
of the river at 1 Mile this Island is about a mile long, and has a
great perpotion of red Cedir on it, a Small Creek comes in on the S. S.
opposit the head of the Island, proceeded on passed many Sand bars and
Camped on the L. S. before night the wind being verry hard & a head all
Day. the hunters Killed 10 Deer to day and a Prarie wolf, had it all
jurked & Skins Stretchd after Camping I walked on Shore Saw Goats, Elk,
Buffalow, Black tail Deer, & the Common Deer, I Killed a Prarie Wollf,
about the Size of a gray fox bushey tail head & ear like a wolf, Some
fur Burrows in the ground and barks like a Small Dog.
what has been taken heretofore for the Fox was those wolves, and no
Foxes has been Seen; The large wolves are verry numourous, they are of
a light Colr. large & has long hair with Corrs fur.
Some Goats of a Different Kind Wer Seen yesterday Great many Porcupin
rabits & Barking Squirils in this quarter. Plumbs & grapes.
[Lewis, September 18, 1804]
Sept. 18th this day saw the first brant on their return from the north-
[Clark, September 19, 1804]
(1) & (2) passed a large Island Situated nearest the S. S. 1/2 a mile
from the Lower pt. of this Island, the 1st of the 3 rivers mouths which
is about 35 yards wide, running from the N E. one mile above the 2nd
Comes in this is Small not more that 15 yards wide a Short Distance
above a 3d comes in scattering its waters thro a bottom. I walked on
Shore to See this great Pass of the Sioux and Calumet ground, found it
a handsom Situation, and Saw the remains of their Campt on the 2d
river, for many years passed--(3) passed a Creek on the L. S. 15 yds
wide we (4) passed a Creek 20 yds wide (5) passed a Creek 20 yd. wide
on the L. S. I call Night C. as I did not get to it untill late at
night, above the mouth of this Creek we camped, the wind being
favourable, for the boat I Killed a fat Buffalow Cow, and a fat Buck
elk, york my Servent Killed a Buck, the Huntes Killed 4 Deer, & the
boat Crew killed 2 Buffalow Swiming the river, handsom Countrey of
Plains, I saw many trovs of Buffalow & a Gangue of 30 or 40 Elk and
othr Scattering elk &c. a find evening I hurt my hands & feet last night
[Clark, September 19, 1804]
19th of September Wednesday 1804
Set out early, a Cool morning verry Clear the wind from the S. E a
Bluff on the L. S.--here Commences a Butifull Countrey on both Sides of
the Missourie, (2) passed a large Island Called Prospect Island op
posit this Isd. the 3 rivers Coms in, passing thro a butifull Plain,
here I walked on Shore & Killed a fat Cow & Sent her to the boat and
proceeded on to the first of the 3 rivers, this river is about 35 yards
wide Contains a good deel of water, I walked up this river 2 miles &
Cross, the bottom is high and rich Some timber, I crossed & returned to
the mouth, & proceeded up one mile to the 2d river which is Small 12
yards wide, and on it but little timber, on this Creek the Seaux has
frequently Camped, as appears by the Signs--the lands betwen those two
Creeks in a purpindicular bluff of about 80 feet with a butifull Plain
& gentle assent back--a Short distance above the 2nd a 3rd Creek Comes
into the river in 3 places Scattering its waters over the large
timbered bottom, this Creek is near the Size of the middle Creek
Containing a greater quantity of water, those rivers is the place that
all nations who meet are at peace with each other, Called the Seaux
pass of the 3 rivers.
The boat proceeded on passd. the Island (3) passed a Creek 15 yds wide
on the L. Side (4) passed a Creek on the L. S. 20 yards wide which I
Call Elm Creek passing thro a high Plain (5) passed a Creek on the L.
S. 18 yds. wide above which the boat Came too, I joined them late at
night, and Call this Creek Night Creek the winds favourable all Day, I
killed a fat buck Elk late and could only get his Skin and a Small part
of his flesh to Camp. My Servent Killed a Buck, the Crew in the boat
Killed 2 buffalow in the river--The Hunters on Shore Killed 4 Deer with
black tails one of which was a Buck with two men Prongs on each Side
forked equally, which I never before Seen. I saw Several large gangs of
Buffaloes 2 large Herds of Elk & goats &c. (6) pass a Small Island on
the S. S. opposit to this Island on the L. S. a Creek of about 10 yards
wide Coms in passing thro a plain in which great quantities of the
Prickley Pear grows. I call this Creek Prickley Pear Creek, This Isld.
is Called the lower Island it is Situated at the Commencement of what
is Called & Known by the Grand de Tortu or Big Bend of the Missourie.
[Clark, September 20, 1804]
September the 20th Thursday 1804 Detchd. 3 men across the Big bend
(Called the Grand deTour) with the horse, to stay and hunt & jurk
provisions untill we get around (1) passed a Island on the S. S. the
river Crouded with Sand bars,
20th of September 1804 Thursday (Continued)
(1) at the N W. extremity of this bend passed an Small Island on the L.
S. opposit the upper Point of this Solitary Island Came too to _____ at
the mouth of a Small run on the S. S. & Newmon & Tomson picked up Some
Salt mixed with the Sand in the run, Such as the ottoes Indians Collect
on the Sands of the Corn de Cerf R. & make use of, Camped on a Sand bar
on the S. S. above the Island--I went out to examine the portage which
I found quit Short 2000 yards only, the Prarie below & Sides of the
hills containing great quantites of the Prickly Piar which nearly ruind
my feet, I saw a hare, & I beleve he run into a hole, he run on a hill
& disapeared, I Saw on this hill several holes. I Saw Several Goats Elk
Ders &c. & Buffalow in every Detection feeding. R. Fields Killed a Deer
& 2 Goats one a female, which differs from the male as to Size being
Something Smaller, Small Straight horns without any black about the
neck Camped late
[Clark, September 20, 1804]
20th of September, Thursday 1804
a fair morning wind from the S E detached 2 men to the 1st. Creek abov
the big bend with the horse to hunt and wait our arrival proceeded on
passed the lower Island opposit which the Sand bars are verry thick &
the water Shoal. I walked on Shore with a view of examining this bend
Crossed at the narost part which is a high irregular hills of about 180
or 190 feet, this place the gorge of the Bend is 1 mile & a quarter
(from river to river or) across, from this high land which is only in
the Gouge, the bend is a Butifull Plain thro which I walked, Saw numbrs
of Buffalow & Goats, I saw a Hare & believe he run into a hole in the
Side of a hill, he run up this hill which is Small & has Several holes
on the Side & I could not See him after, I joined the boat in the
evening--passed a Small Island on the L. S. in the N. W. extremity of
the bind Called Solitary Island, and Camped late on a Sand bar near the
S. S.--R. Fields killed 1 Deer & 2 Goats one of them a feemale--She
Differs from the mail as to Size being Smaller, with Small Horns,
Stright with a Small prong without any black about the neck None of
those Goats has any Beard, they are all Keenly made, and is butifull
[Lewis, September 20, 1804]
Septr. 20th
on the lard. shore at the commencement of the big bend observed a clift
of black porus rock which resembled Lava tho on a closer examination I
believe it to be calcarious and an imperfect species of the French
burr--preserved a specemine, it is a brownish white, or black or
yellowish brown-
[Clark, September 21, 1804]
21st of September 1804 Friday 1804, last night or reather this morng at
a half past one oClock the Sand bar on which we Camped began to give
way, which allarmed the Serjt on guard & the noise waked me, I got up
and by the light of the moon observed that the Sand was giving away
both above & beloy and would Swallow our Perogues in a few minits,
ordered all hands on board and pushed off we had not got to the opposit
Shore before pt. of our Camp fel into the river. we proceeded on to the
Gorge of the bend & brackfast, the Distance of this bend around is 30
miles, and 11/4 miles thro, the high lands extinds to the gauge and is
about 200 feet the plain in the bend as also the two opposit Sides abov
and below is delightfull plains with graduel assents from the river in
which there is at this time Great number of Buffalow Elk & Goats feedg
The Course from the gauge on the L. S. is S. 70 W. 41/2 Miles to the
pt. of Ceder Timber on the L. S. pass Sands. worthy of remark the Cat
fish not So plenty abov white river & much Smaller than usial, Great
nunbers of Brant & plover, also goat and black tail Deer.
[Clark, September 21, 1804]
21st of September Friday 1804
at half past one oClock this morning the Sand bar on which we Camped
began to under mind and give way which allarmed the Sergeant on Guard,
the motion of the boat awakened me; I get up & by the light of the moon
observed that the land had given away both above and below our Camp &
was falling in fast. I ordered all hands on as quick as possible &
pushed off, we had pushed off but a few minets before the bank under
which the Boat & perogus lay give way, which would Certainly have Sunk
both Perogues, by the time we made the opsd. Shore our Camp fell in, we
made a 2d Camp for the remainder of the night & at Daylight proceeded
on to the Gouge of this Great bend and Brackfast, we Sent a man to
measure step off the Distance across the gouge, he made it 2000 yds.
The distance arround is 30 mes. The hills extend thro the gouge and is
about 200 foot above the water--in the bend as also the opposite Sides
both abov and below the bend is a butifull inclined Plain in which
there is great numbers of Buffalow, Elk & Goats in view feeding &
Scipping on those Plains Grouse, Larks & the Prarie bird is Common in
those Plains. we proceeded on passed a (1) willow Island below the
mouth of a Small river called Tylors R about 35 yds. wide which corns
in on the L. S. 6 miles above the Gorge of the bend, at the mouth of
this river the two hunters a head left a Deer & its Skin also the Skin
of a white wolfwe observe an emence number of Plover of Different kind
Collecting and takeing their flight Southerly, also Brants which appear
to move in the same Direction. The Cat fish is Small and not So plenty
as below (2) The Shore on each Side is lined with hard rough Gulley
Stones of different Sides, which has roled from the hills & out of
Small brooks, Ceder is comon here, This day is worm, the wind which is
not hard blows from the S. E, we Camped at the lower point of the Mock
Island on the S. S. this now Connected with the main land, it has the
appearance of once being an Island detached from the main land Covered
with tall Cotton wood--we Saw Some Camps and tracks of the Seaux which
appears to be old three or four weeks ago--one frenchman I fear has got
an abscess on his they, he complains verry much we are makeing every
exertion to releiv him The Praries in this quarter Contains Great qts.
of Prickley Pear.
[Clark, September 22, 1804]
22nd September Satturday 1804
a thick fog this morning untill 7 oClock which detained us, Saw Some
old tracks of the Indians on the S. S. proceeded on--one French man
with a abscess on his thigh which pains him verry much for 10 or 12
Days a butifull Plain on both Sides low high land under which there is
a number of lage Stone, we See great numbers of Buffalow feeding
[Clark, September 22, 1804]
A continuation of notes taken assending the Missourie in 1804-by W.
Satturday the 22nd of September 1804-
A Thick fog this morning detained us untill 7 oClock, The plains on
both Sides of the River is butifull and assends gradually from the
river; noumerous herds of Buffalow to be Seen in every derections, (1)
Took the altitude of the Sun & found the Lattitude to be 44° 11' 33" N-
(2) passed a Small Island on the L. S. and one on the S. S. imediately
above, & about 3 m. long, on the L. S. opposit this Island a Creek of
about 15 yds wide mouthes, Called the Creek of the 3 Sisters (3) passed
Cedar Island 11/2 M. long & 1 M. wide Situated a little above the last
and nearest the S. S.near the upper part of this Island on its S. Side
a Tradeing fort is Situated built of Cedar-by a Mr. Louiselle of St
Louis, for the purpose of Tradeing with the Teton Bands of Soues (or
"Sieux") about this Fort I saw numbers of Indians Temporary Lodges, &
horse Stables, all of them round and to a point at top, I observed also
numbers of Cotton Trees fallen for the purpose of feeding their horses
on the Bark of the limbs of those trees which is Said to be excellent
food for the horses--we came too on the S. S. below a Small Island
called Goat island, passed a no. of large round Stones, Som distance in
the river as also in the Sides of the hills,--I walked on the Shore
this evening and Killed a verry large Deer--our hunters Killed 2 Deer &
a Beaver, they Complain of the Mineral quallities of the high land
distroying their mockersons-.
[Clark, September 22, 1804]
22nd of September Satturday 1804
a thick fog this morning detained us untill 7 oClock passed a butifull
inclined Prarie on both Sides in which we See great numbers of Buffalow
feeding--(1) took the Meridean altitude of the Suns upper Leimb. 92° 50'
00" the SexSecnt the Latd. produced from this Obsivation is 44° 11' 33"
3/10 North (2) passed a Small Island on the L. S. imediately above
passed a Island Situated nearest the L. S. abt. 3 miles long, behind
this Isd. on the L. S. a Creek Comes in about 15 yards wide, this Creek
and Islands are Called the 3 Sisters a butifull Plain on both Sides of
the river (3) passed a Island Situated nearest the S. S. imedeately
above the last Called Ceder Island this Island is about 11/2 miles long
& nearly as wide Covered with Ceder, on the South Side of this Island
Mr. Louiselle a trader from St. Louis built a fort of Ceder & a good
house to trate with the Seaux & wintered last winter; about this fort I
observed a number of Indian Camps in a Conicel form,--they fed their
horses on Cotton limbs as appears. here our hunters joined us havening
killed 2 Deer & a Beaver, they Complain much of the Mineral Substances
in the barren hills over which they passed distroying their mockersons.
(4) we proceeded on and Camped late on the S. Side below a Small Island
in the bend S. S. Called Goat Island. The large Stones which lay on the
Sides of the banks in Several places lay Some distance in the river,
under the water and is dangerous &.
I walked out this evening and killed a fine Deer, the musquiters is
verry troublesom in the bottoms
[Clark, September 23, 1804]
23rd Septr. Sunday 1804 (days and nights equal) Set out early under a
gentle Breeze from the S E N. 46°W 33/4 Miles to the mo. of a Creek on
the S. S. passd. a pt. on the L. S. (1) a Small Island opsd. in the
bend to the S. S. This Island is Called goat Island, (1) this Creek is
10 yards wide. passed bad Sand bars--S. 46°W 23/4 mes. a wood at a Spring
in the bend to the L. S. Saw the Prarie a fire behind us near the head
of Ceder Island L. S. N. 80° W. 41/2 to the lower pt of Elk Island pass 2
Willow Islands & Sand I saw this morning 12 of those Black & white
birds of the corvus Species.
Capt Lewis went out to hund on the Island a great number of Buffalow in
Sight I must Seal up all those Scrips & draw from my Journal at Some
other time Win Clark Cpt.
[Clark, September 23, 1804]
Sunday the 23rd September 1804
Set out under a Gentle breeze from the S. E--(1) passed Goat Island
Situated in a bend to the S. S--above passed a Small Creek 12 yards
wide on the S. S.--we observed a great Smoke to the SW. which is an
Indian Signal of their haveing discovered us, I walked on Shore and
observed great numbers of Buffalows. (2) passed 2 Small Willow Islands
with large Sand bars makeing from their upper points (3) passed Elk
Island Situated near the L. S. about 21/2 mes. long & 3/4 wide, Covered
with Cotton wood, a red berry Called by the French "grise de buff,"
Grapes &c. the river is wide Streight & contains a great numr of Sand
bars, (4) passed a Small Creek on the S. S. 16 yds wide I call Reubens
Cr.--R. Fields was the first who found it--Came too & Camped on the S.
S. in a Wood. Soon after we landed three Soues boys Swam across to us,
those boys informed us that a Band of Sieux called the Tetons of 80
Lodges wer Camped near the mouth of the next River, and 60 Lodges more
a Short distance above them, they had that day Set the praries on fire
to let those Camps Know of our approach--we gave those boys two twists
of Tobacco to carry to their Chiefs & Warriors to Smoke, with
derections to tell them that we wished to Speak to them tomorrow, at
the mouth of the next river--Capt Lewis walked on Shore, R F. Killed a
She Goat or "Cabbra."
[Clark, September 23, 1804]
23rd of September Sunday 1804
Set out under a gentle breeze from the S. E, (1) passed a Small Island
Situated in a bend to the L. S. Called Goat Island, a Short distance
above the upper point a Creek of 12 yards wide corns in on the S. S. we
observed a great Smoke to the S W.--I walked on Shore & observed
Buffalow in great Herds at a Distance (2) passed two Small willow
Islands with large Sand bars makeing out from them, passed (3) Elk
Island about 21/2 miles long & 3/4 mile wide Situated near the L. S.
covered with Cotton wood the read Current Called by the French Gres de
Butiff & grapes &c. &c. the river is nearly Streight for a great
distance wide and Shoal. (4) passed a Creek on the S. S. 16 yards wide
we Call Reubens Creek, as R Fields found it Camped on the S. S. below
the mouth of a Creek on the L. S. three Souex boys Came to us Swam the
river and informd that the Band of Soauex called the Teton of 80 Lodges
were Camped at the next Creek above, & 60 Lodges more a Short distance
above, we gave those boys two Carrots of Tobacco to Carry to their
Chiefs, with derections to tell them that we would Speek to them
tomorrow Capt Lewis walked on Shore this evening, R. F Killed a Doe
[Clark, September 24, 1804]
Monday the 24th of September 1804
a fair morning Set out early, wind from the East, passed the mouth of a
Creek on the L. S. Called Creek in high water. passed a large (1)
Island on the L. S. about 21/2 Miles long on which Colter had Camped &
Killed 4 Elk. the wind from the S. E.--we prepared Some Clothes a few
medal for the Chiefs of the Teton band of Sioux we expected to meet at
the next River--much Stone on the S. S. of the River, we Saw one hare
to day--our Perogues Called at the Island for the Elk, Soon after we
passed the Island Colter ran up the bank & reported that the Sioux had
taken his horse, we Soon after Saw five indians on the bank; who
expressed a wish to come on board, we informed them we were friends,
and wished to Continue So, we were not abraid any Indians--Some of
their young Men had Stolen a horse Sent by their Great Father to their
great Chief, and we Should not Speak to them any more untill the horse
was returned to us again--passed a Island about 11/2 m. long on which
we Saw maney elk & Buffalow, we Came too off the Mouth of a Small
river, The Teton of the burnt woods is Camped 2 Miles up this river,
this river we Call Teton is 70 Yds wide and corns in on the S W Side-I
went on Shore and Smoked with a Chief, Called Buffalow Medison, who
Came to See us here. The Chief Said he Knew nothing of the horse &c &.
I informed them we would call the grand Chiefs in Council tomorrow, all
continued on board all night
[Clark, September 24, 1804]
24th September Monday 1804
Set out early a fair day the wind from the E, pass the mouth of Creek
on the L. S. called on high water; passed (i ) a large Island on the L.
S. about 2 miles & 1/2 long on which Colter had Camped & Killed 4 Elk,
the wind fair from the S. E. we prepared Some Clothes and a fiew
meadels for the Chiefs of the Teton's hand of Seaux which we expect to
See to day at the next river, observe a Great Deel of Stone on the
Sides of the hills on the S. S. we Saw one Hare to day, prepared all
things for action in Case of necessity, our Perogus went to the Island
for the meet, Soon after the man on Shore run up the bank and reported
that the Indians had Stolen the horse we Soon after met 5 Inds. and
ankered out Some distance & Spoke to them informed them we were
friends, & wished to Continue So but were not afraid of any Indians,
Some of their young men had taken the horse Sent by their Great father
for ther Chief and we would not Speek to them untill the horse was
returned to us again.
passed (2) a Island on the S. S. on which we Saw Several Elk, about
11/2 miles long Called Good humered Islds. Came to about 11/2 miles
above off the mouth of a Small river about 70 yards wide Called by Mr.
Evins the Little Mississou River, The Tribes of the Scouix Called the
Teton, is Camped about 2 miles up on the N W Side and we Shall Call the
River after that nation, Teton This river is 70 yards wide at the mouth
of water, and has a considerable Current we anchored off the mouth the
french Perogue Come up early in the morning, the other did not get up
untill in the evening Soon after we had Came too. I went & Smoked with
the Chief who Came to See us here all well, we prepare to Speek with
the Indians tomorrow at which time we are informed the Indians will be
here, The French man who had for Some time been Sick, began to blead
which allarmed him--2/3 of our party Camped on board The remainder with
the Guard on Shore.
[Clark, September 25, 1804]
25th of September 1804 off Teton River
a fair Morning the wind from the S. E. raised a Flagg Staff and formed
an orning & Shade on a Sand bar in the Mouth of Teton R to Council
under, the greater portion of the party to Continue on boardabout 11
oClock the 1st & 2d Chief arrived, we gave them to eat; they gave us
Some meat, (we discover our interpeter do not Speak the language well)
at 12 oClock the Councill Commenced & after Smokeing agreeable to the
usial custom C. L. Delivered a written Speech to them, I Some
explinations &c. all party Paraded, gave a Medal to the grand Chief in
Indian Un-ton gar-Sar bar, or Black Buffalow--2d Torto-hongar, Partezon
(Bad fellow) the 3d Tar-ton-gar-wa-ker, Buffalow medison--we invited
those Chiefs & a Soldier on board our boat, and Showed them many
Curiossites, which they were much Surprised, we gave they 1/2 a wine
glass of whiskey which they appeared to be exceedingly fond of they
took up an empty bottle, Smelted it, and made maney Simple jestures and
Soon began to be troublesom the 2d Chief effecting Drunkness as a Cloak
for his vilenous intintious (as I found after wards,) realed or fell
about the boat, I went in a perogue with those Chief who left the boast
with great reluctians, my object was to reconsile them and leave them
on Shore, as Soon as I landed 3 of their young ment Seased the Cable of
the Perogue, one Soldiar Huged the mast and the 2d Chief was
exceedingly insolent both in words and justures to me declareing I
Should no go off, Saying he had not recived presents Suffient from us-
I attempted to passify but it had a contrary effect for his insults
became So personal and his intentions evident to do me injurey, I Drew
my Sword at this motion Capt Louis ordered all in the boat under arms,
the fiew men that was with me haveing previously taken up their guns
with a full deturmination to defend me if possible--The grand Chief
then took hold of the Cable & Sent all the young men off, the Soldier
got out of the perogue and the 2nd Chief walked off to the Party at
about 20 yards back, all of which had their bows Strung & guns Cocked-
I then Spoke in verry positive terms to them all, principaly addressing
myself to the 1st Chief, who let the roape go and walked to the Indian,
party about, 100 I again offered my hand to the 1st Chief who refused
it--(all this time the Indians were pointing their arrows blank-) I
proceeded to the perogue and pushed off and had not proceeded far
before the 1st & 3r Chief & 2 principal men walked into the water and
requested to go on board, I took them in and we proceeded on abot a
Mile, and anchored near a Small Island, I call this Island Bad humered
[Clark, September 25, 1804]
25th Septr
a fair morning the wind from the S. E. all well, raised a Flag Staff &
made a orning or Shade on a Sand bar in the mouth of Teton River for
the purpose of Speeking with the Indians under, the Boat Crew on board
at 70 yards Distance from the bar The 5 Indians which we met last night
Continued, about 11 oClock the 1 s & 2d Chief Came we gave them Some of
our Provsions to eat, they gave us great quantites of meet Some of
which was Spoiled we feel much at a loss for the want of an interpeter
the one we have can Speek but little.
Met in council at 12 oClock and after Smokeing, agreeable to the usial
Custom, Cap Lewis proceeded to Deliver a Speech which we oblige to
Curtail for want of a good interpeter all our Party paraded. gave a
medal to the Grand Chief Calld. in Indian Un ton gar Sar bar in French
Beefe nure Black Buffalow Said to be a good man, 2 Chief Torto hon gar-
or the Partisan-or Partizan-bad the 3rd is the Beffe De Medison his
name is Tar ton gar wa ker
1. Contesabe man War zing go
2. do Second Bear = Ma to co que pan
Envited those Cheifs on board to Show them our boat and Such
Curiossities as was Strange to them, we gave them 1/4 a glass of
whiskey which they appeared to be verry fond of, Sucked the bottle
after it was out & Soon began to be troublesom, one the 2d Cheif
assumeing Drunkness, as a Cloake for his rascally intentions I went
with those Cheifs (which left the boat with great reluctiance) to Shore
with a view of reconseleing those men to us, as Soon as I landed the
Perogue three of their young men Seased the Cable of the Perogue, the
Chiefs Soldr. Huged the mast, and the 2d Chief was verry insolent both
in words & justures declareing I Should not go on, Stateing he had not
recved presents Suffient from us, his justures were of Such a personal
nature I felt my Self Compeled to Draw my Sword, at this motion Capt.
Lewis ordered all under arms in the boat, those with me also Showed a
Disposition to Defend themselves and me, the grand Chief then took hold
of the roop & ordered the young warrers away, I felt my Self warm &
Spoke in verry positive terms Most of the warriers appeared to have
ther Bows Strung and took out their arrows from they quves. as I was
not permited to return, I Sent all the men except 2 Inpt. to the boat,
the perogu Soon returned with about 12 of our detumind men ready for
any event this movement caused a no. of the Indians to withdraw at a
distance,--Their treatment tome was verry rough & I think justified
rough ness on my part, they all left my Perogue and Councild. with
themselves the result I could not lern and nearly all went off after
remaining in this Situation Some time I offered my hand to the 1 & 2
Chief who refusd to recve it. I turned off & went with my men on board
the perogue, I had not progd. more the 10 paces before the 1st Cheif
3rd & 2 Brave men waded in after me. I took them in & went on board we
proceeded on about 1 mile & anchored out off a willow Island placed a
guard on Shore to protect the Cooks & a guard in the boat, fastened the
Perogues to the boat, I call this Island bad humered Island as we were
in a bad humer.
[Clark, September 26, 1804]
26th of Septr Set out early and proceeded on--the river lined with
indians, came too & anchored by the particular request of the Chiefs to
let their Womin & Boys See the Boat, and Suffer them to Show us some
friendship--great members of men womin & Children on the bank viewing
us--Those people are Spritely Small legs ille looking Set men
perticularly, they grease & Black themselves when they dress, make use
of Hawks feathers about thier heads, cover with a Roab each a polecat
Skin to hold their Smokeables, fond of Dress, Badly armed. ther women
appear verry well, fine Teeth, High Cheek Dress in Skin Peticoats, & a
Roabe with the flesh Side out and harey ends turned back over their
Sholdes, and look well--they doe all the Laborious work, and I may say
are perfect Slaves to thier husbands who frequently have Several wives-
Capt Lewis & 5 men went on Shore with the Chiefs, who appeared to wish
to become friendly they requested us to remain one night & see them
dance &c.--in the evening I walked on Shore, and Saw Several Mahar
Womin & Boys in a lodge & was told they were Prisones laterly taken in
a battle in which they killed a number & took 48 prisoners--I advised
the Chiefs to make peace with that nation and give up the Prisoners, if
they intended to follow the words of their great father they promised
that they would do So--I was in Several Lodges neetly formed, those
lodges are about 15 to 20 feet Diametr Stretched on Poles like a Sugar
Loaf, made of Buffalow Skins Dressed about 5 oClock I was approached by
10 well Dressed young men with a neet Buffalow Roab which they Set down
before me & requested me to get in they Carried me to ther Council
Tents forming 3/4 Circle & Set me down betwn 2 Chefs where about 70 men
were Seated in a circle, in front of the Chief 6 feet Square was
cleared & the pipe of peace raised on forks & Sticks, under which was
Swans down Scattered, the Flags of Spane & the one we gave them
yesterday was Displayed a large fire was made on which a Dog was
Cooked, & in the center about 400 wt of Buffalow meat which they gave
us,--Soon after, I took my Seat the young men went to the boat &
brought Capt Lewis in the Same way & placed him by me Soon after an old
man rose & Spoke approveing what we had done. requesting us to take
pitty on them &C. answered--They form their Camp in a circle
The great Chief then rose in great State and Spoke to the Same purpos
and with Solemnity took up the pipe of peace and pointed it to the
heavens, the 4 quartrs and the earth, he made Some divistation, &
presented the Sten to us to Smoke, after Smokeing & a Short Harrang to
his people we were requested to take the meat, and the Flesh of the Dog
gavin us to eat--We Smoked untill Dark, at which time all was cleared
away & a large fire made in the Center, Several men with Tamborens
highly Decorated with Der & Cabra Hoofs to make them rattle, assembled
and began to Sing & Beat--The women Came forward highly decerated with
the Scalps & Trofies of war of their fathes Husbands & relations, and
Danced the war Dance, which they done with great chearfulness untill 12
oClock, when we informed the Chief we intended return on bord, (they
offered us women, which we did not except) 4 Chiefs accompanied us to
the boat and Staid all night--Those people have a Description of Men
which they Call Soldiars, those men attend to the police of the Band,
Correct all vices &. I Saw one to day whip 2 Squars who appeared to
have fallen out, when the Soldier approached all appeared give way and
flee at night they Keep 4 or 5 men at different distances walking
around their Camp Singing the acursenes of the night all in Spirits
this evening wind hard from the S E
I saw 25 Squars & Boys taken 13 days ago in a battle with the Mahars,
in which they destroyed 40 Lodges, Killed 75 men & boys, & took 48
prisones which they promised us Should be delivered to Mr. Durion now
with the Yankton _____, we gave our Mahar interpeter a few alls & &. to
give those retched Prisonis, I saw Homney of ground Potatos a Spoon of
the Big Horn animals which will hold 2 quarts.
[Clark, September 26, 1804]
26th Septr. 1804 bad hd Isd.
26th of September Wednesday 1804
Set out early proceeded on and Came to by the wish of the Chiefs for to
let their Squars & boys See the Boat and Suffer them to treat us well
great number of men women & Children on the banks viewing us, these
people Shew great anxiety, they appear Spritely, generally ill looking
& not well made thier legs & arms Small Generally--they Grese & Black
themselves with coal when they dress, make use of a hawks feather about
their heads the men a robe & each a polecats Skins, for to hold ther
Bais roly for Smokeing fond of Dress & Show badly armed with fuseis &.
The Squaws are Chearfull fine lookg womin not handson, High Cheeks
Dressed in Skins a Peticoat and roab which foldes back over thir
Sholder, with long wool. doe all ther laborious work & I may Say
perfect Slaves to the men, as all Squars of nations much at war, or
where the womin are more noumerous than the men--after Comeing too
Capt. Lewis & 5 men went on Shore with the Chiefs, who appeared
desposed to make up & be friendly, after Captain Lewis had been on
Shore about 3 hours I became uneasy for fear of Some Deception & sent a
Serjeant to See him and know his treatment which he reported was
friendly, & thy were prepareing for a Dance this evening
The made frequent Selecitiation for us to remain one night only and let
them Show their good disposition towards us, we deturmined to remain,
after the return of Capt. Lewis, I went on Shore I saw Several Maha
Prisoners and Spoke to the Chiefs it was necessary to give those
prisoners up & become good friends with the Mahars if they wished to
follow the advice of their Great father I was in Several Lodges neetly
formed as before mentioned as to the Bauruly Tribe--I was met by about
10 well Dressd. yound men who took me up in a roabe Highly a decrated
and Set me Down by the Side of their Chief on a Dressed robe in a large
Council House this house formed a 3/4 Cercle of Skins well Dressed and
Sown together under this Shelter about 70 men Set forming a Circle in
front of the Chiefs a plac of 6 feet Diameter was Clear and the pipe of
peace raised on Sticks under which there was Swans down Scattered, on
each Side of the Circle two Pipes, The flags of Spain 2 & the Flag we
gave them in front of the Grand Chief a large fire was near in which
provisions were Cooking, in the Center about 400 wt. of excellent
Buffalo Beif as a present for us
Soon after they set me Down, the men went for Capt Lewis brough him in
the same way and placed him also by the Chief in a fiew minits an old
man rose & Spoke approveing what we had done & informing us of their
Situation requesting us to take pity on them &c which was answered The
Great Chief then rose with great State to the Same purpote as far as we
Could learn & then with Great Solemnity took up the pipe of peace whin
the principal Chiefs Spoke with the pipe of Peace he took in one hand
Some of the most Delicate parts of the Dog which was prepared for the
feist & made a Sacrifise to the flag--& after pointing it to the
heavins the 4 quarter of the Globe & the earth,, lit it and prosist
presented the Stem to us to Smoke, after a Smoke had taken place, & a
Short Harange to his people, we were requested to take the meal put
before us the dog which they had been cooking, & Pemitigon & ground
potatoe in Several platters. Pemn is buffo meat dried or baked pounded
& mixed with grease raw Dog Sioux think great dishused on festivals.
eat little of dog pemn & pote good we Smoked for an hour Dark & all was
Cleared away a large fire made in the Center, about 10 misitions
playing on tamberins. long sticks with Deer & Goats Hoofs tied So as to
make a gingling noise and many others of a Similer kind, those men
began to Sing, & Beet on the Tamboren, the women Came foward highly
Deckerated in theire way, with the Scalps and Trofies of war of ther
father Husbands Brothers or near Connection & proceeded to Dance the
war Dance which they done with Great Chearfullness untill 12 oClock
when we informed the Cheifs that they were fatigued &c. they then
retired & we Accompd. by 4 Chiefs returned to our boat, they Stayed
with us all night. Those people have Some brave men which they make use
of as Soldiers those men attend to the police of the Village Correct
all errors I saw one of them to day whip 2 Squars who appeared to have
fallen out, when he approachd all about appeared to flee with great
turrow at night thy keep two 3 4 or 5 men at deffinit Distances walking
around Camp Singing the accurrunces of the night all the men on board
100 paces from Shore wind from the S. E. moderate one man verry sick on
board with a Dangerass abscess on his Hip. all in Spirits this eveninge
In this Tribe I saw 25 Squars and boys taken 13 days ago in a battle
with the mahars in this battle they Destroyd 40 lodges, killed 75 men,
& Som boys & children, & took 48 Prisones Womin & boys which they
promis both Capt. Lewis and my Self Shall be Delivered up to Mr. Durion
at the Tribe, those are a retched and Dejected looking people the
Squars appear low & Corse but this is an unfavourabl time to judge of
them we gave our Mahar inteptr. Some fiew articles to give those Squats
in his name Such as alls needle &. &c.
I Saw & eat Pemitigon the Dog, Groud potatoe made into a Kind of
homney, which I thought but little inferior--I also Saw a Spoon made of
a horn of an animile of the Sheep kind the spoon will hold 2 quarts.
[Clark, September 27, 1804]
27th of Septr. 1804--The Bank as usial lined with Sioux, gave the 2
principal Chiefs a blanket & a peck of Corn each, Capt Lewis
accompanied the Chiefs to their Lodges, they informed us that a great
part of their nation had not arrived, & would arrive to night and
requested us to Delay one Day longer, that they might See us
I rote a letter to Mr. Durion, & prepared Some Commissions & a meadel &
Sent to Captain Lewis--at 2 oClock Capt Lewis retuned with 4 chiefs & a
Brave man named War-cha pa--after a delay of half an hour I went with
them on Shore, they left the boat with reluctiance (we Suspect they are
treacherous and are at all times guarded & on our guard) They again
offered me a young woman and wish me to take her & not Dispise them, I
wavered the Subject, at Dark the Dance began as usial and performed as
last night. womin with ther Husbands & relations cloths arms Scalps on
poles &c. &c. Capt Lewis joined me & we continued until about 11 oClock
and 2 Chief accompaned us to the boat I with 2 Cheifs was in a Perogue
going on board, by bad Stearing the parogu Struk the Cable with Such
force as to brake it near the anchor (Cap Lewis) and 3 or 4 men on
Shore, I had all hands up and was Compelled to Land--the Chief got
allarmed & allarmed the Indians the 1s Chief & about 200 men Came down
in great hast armd and for action, and found it was false, about 20 of
them Camped on Shore all night--this allarm Cap Lewis & well as my Self
viewed as the Signal of their intentions, one half on guard, our
misfortune of loseing our anchor obliged us to lay under a falling in
bank much exposed to the Accomplishment of the hostile intentions of
those Tetons (who we had every reason to believe from ther Conduct
intended to make an attempt to Stop our progress & if possible rob us-)
Peter Crusat who Spoke Mahar came in the night and informed me that the
mahar Prisoners told him that the Tetons intended to Stop us--We Shew'd
but little Sign of a knowledge of there intentions.
[Clark, September 27, 1804]
27th of Septr. Thursday 1804
I rose early aftr a bad nights Sleep found the Chief all up, and the
bank as usial lined with Spectators we gave the 2 great Cheifs a
Blanket a peace, or rethr they took off agreeable to their Custom the
one they lay on and each one Peck of Corn after Brackfast Capt. Lewis &
the Chiefs went on Shore, as a verry large part of their nation was
Comeing in, the Disposition of whome I did not know one of us being
Suffcent on Shore, I wrote a letter to Mr. P. Durion & prepared a
meadel & Some Comsns. & Sent to Cap Lewis at 2 oClock Capt. Lewis
returned with 4 Chiefs & a Brave man named War cha pa or on his Guard.
when the friends of those people die they run arrows through their
flesh above and below their elbous as a testimony of their Greaf after
Staying about half an hour, I went with them on Shore, Those men left
the boat with reluctience, I went first to the 2d Chiefs Lodge, where a
Croud Came around after Speeking on various Subjects I went to a
princpal mans lodge from there to the grand Chiefs lodge, after a fiew
minits he invited me to a Lodge within the Circle in which I Stayed
with all their principal men untill the Dance began, which was Similer
to the one of last night performed by their womn which poles on which
Scalps of their enemies were hung, Some with the Guns Spears & war
empliments their husbands in their hands
Capt. Lewis came on Shore and we Continued untill we were Sleepy &
returned to our boat, the 2nd Chief & one principal man accompanid us,
those two Indians accompanied me on board in the Small Perogue, Capt.
Lewis with a guard Still on Shore, the man who Steered not being much
acustomed to Steer, passed the bow of the boat & peroge Came broad Side
against the Cable & broke it which obliged me to order in a loud voice
all hands all hands up & at their ores, my preempty order to the men
and the bustle of their getting to their ores allarmd the Cheifs,
togethr with the appearance of the men on Shore, as the boat turnd. The
Cheif hollowered & allarmed the Camp or Town informing them that the
Mahars was about attacting us. in about 10 minits the bank was lined
with men armed the 1st Cheif at their head, about 200 men appeared and
after about 1/2 hour returned all but about 60 men who Continued on the
bank all night, the Cheifs Contd. all night with us--This allarm I as
well as Captn. Lewis Considered as the Signal of their intentions
(which was to Stop our proceeding on our journey and if Possible rob
us) we were on our Guard all night, the misfortune of the loss of our
Anchor obliged us to Lay under a falling bank much exposd. to the
accomplishment of their hostile intentions P. C--our Bowman who Cd.
Speek Mahar informed us in the night that the Maha Prisoners informed
him we were to be Stoped--we Shew as little Sighns of a Knowledge of
their intentions as possible all prepared on board for any thing which
might hapen, we kept a Strong guard all night in the boat no Sleep
[Clark, September 28, 1804]
28th of Septr 1804 Friday I made maney attempts in defferent ways to
find our anchor without Sukcess, the Sand had Covered her up, we
Deturmined to proceed on to Day--and after Brackfast we with great
Dificuelty got the Chiefs out of the boat, and when we were about
Setting out the Class Called the Soldiars took possession of the Cable-
the 1st Cheif was Still on board and intended to go a Short distance up
with us, was informed that the men Set on the Cable, he went out and
told Capt Lewis who was at the Bow, they wanted tobacco The 2d Chief
Demanded a flag & Tobacco which we refused to give, Stateing proper
reasons to them for it, after much rangleing, we gave a Carrot of
Tobacco to the 1st Cheif and he to the men &lurked the Cable from them
& proceeded on under a Breeze from the S E. we took in the 3rd Cheif
who was Sitting on a Sand bar 2 miles above--he told us the Rope was
held by order of the 2d Chief who was a Double Spoken man--Soon after
we Saw a man rideing full Speed up the bank, we brought him on board, &
he proved to be the Sun of the 3d Cheif, by him we Sent a talk to the
nation, explanitory of our hoisting the red flag under the white, if
they were for Peace Stay at home and doe as we had Derected them and if
they were for war or deturmined to attempt to Stop us, we were ready to
defend our Selves (as I had before Said)--we Substituted large Stones
in place of an Anchor, we came to at a Small Sand bar in the middle of
the river and Stayed all night-I am verry unwell I think for the want
of Sleep
[Clark, September 28, 1804]
28th of September 1804 Friday
Made many attemps in different ways to find our Anchor but could not,
the Sand had Covered it, from the misfortune of last night our boat was
laying at Shore in a verry unfavourable Situation, after finding that
the anchor Could not be found we deturmined to proceed on, with great
difficuelty got the Chiefs out of our boat, and when we was about
Setting out the Class Called the Soldiers took possession of the Cable
the 1 s Chief which was Still on board & intended to go a Short
distance up with us, I told him the men of his nation Set on the Cable,
he went out & told Capt Lewis who was at the bow the men who Set on the
Roap was Soldiers and wanted Tobacco Capt. L. Said would not agree to
be forced into any thing, the 2d Chief Demanded a flag & Tobacco which
we refusd. to Give Stateing proper reasons to them for it after much
difucelty-which had nearly reduced us to hostility I threw a Carot of
Tobacco to 1 s Chief Spoke So as to touch his pride took the port fire
from the gunner the Chief gives the Tobaco to his Soldiers & he jurked
the rope from them and handed it to the bows man we then Set out under
a Breeze from the S. E. about 2 miles up we observed the 3rd Chief on
Shore beckining to us we took him on board he informed us the roap was
held by the order of the 2d Chief who was a Double Spoken man, Soon
after we Saw a man Comeing full Speed, thro the plains left his horse &
proceeded across a Sand bar near the Shore we took him on board &
observed that he was the Son of the Chief we had on board we Sent by
him a talk to the nation Stateent the Cause of our hoisting the red
flag undr. the white, if they were for peace Stay at home & do as we
had Derected them, if the were for war ore were Deturmined to Stop us
we were ready to defend our Selves, we halted one houre & 1/2 on the S.
S. & made a Substitute of Stones for a ancher, refreshed our men and
proceeded on about 2 miles higher up & came too a verry Small Sand bar
in the middle of the river & Stayed all night, I am Verry unwelle for
want of Sleep Deturmined to Sleep to night if possible, the men Cooked
& we rested well.
[Clark, September 29, 1804]
Capt. W. Clarks Notes Continued as first taken-
29th of September Satturday 1804--Set out early Some bad Sand bars, at
9 oClock we observed the 2d Chief with 2 men and Squars on Shore, they
wished to go up with us as far as the other part of their band, which
would meet us on the river above not far Distant we refused to let one
more Come on board Stateing Suffient reasons, observd they would walk
on Shore to the place we intended to Camp, offered us women we objected
and told them we Should not Speake to another teton except the one on
board with us, who might go on Shore when ever he pleased, those
Indians proceeded on untill later in the evening when the Chief
requested that the Perogue might put him across the river which we
agreed to--Saw numbers of Elk on the Sand bars today, passed an old
Ricara Village at the mouth of a Creek without timber we Stayed all
night on the Side of a sand bar 1/2 a Mile from the Shore.
[Clark, September 29, 1804]
29th of Septr. Satturday 1804
Set out early Some bad Sand bars, proceeded on at 9 oClock we observed
the 2d Chief & 2 principal men one man & a Squar on Shore, they wished
to go up with us as far as the other part of their band, which they
Said was on the river a head not far Distant we refused Stateing verry
Sufhcint reasons and was plain with them on the Subject, they were not
pleased observed that they would walk on Shore to the place we intended
to Camp to night, we observed it was not our wish that they Should for
if they did we Could not take them or any other Tetons on board except
the one we had now with us who might go on Shore when ever he pleased-
they proceeded on, the Chief on board askd. for a twist of Tobacco for
those men we gave him 1/2 a twist, and Sent one by them for that part
of their band which we did not See, & Continued on Saw great numbers of
Elk at the mouth of a Small Creek Called No timber (-as no timber
appeared to be on it.) above the mouth of this Creek the Parties had a
Village 5 years ago,--The 2d Chief Came on the Sand bar & requested we
would put him across the river, I Sent a Perogue & Crossed him & one
man to the S. S. and proceeded on & Came too on a Sand bar on about 1/2
mile from the main Shore & put on it 2 Sentinals Continud all night at
anchor (we Substitute large Stones for anchors in place of the one we
lost) all in high Spirits &c
[Clark, September 30, 1804]
30th of September Sunday 1804 had not proceeded far before we
discovered an Indian running after us, he requstd to go with us to the
Ricaras, we refused to take him, I discovered at a great Distanc a
great number of men women & Children decending a hill towards the river
above which the Chief with us told us was the other Band, Some rain &
hard wind at about 10 oClock we anchored opposit the Camps of this band
and told them we took them by the hand, and Sent to each Chief a Carrot
of Tobacco & Some to the principal men and farther Said that after
Staying with the band below 2 days to See them we had been badly
treated and Should not land again, as we had not time to Delay--refured
then to Mr. Durion for a full account of us, and an explination of what
had been Said, they appeard ansioes for us to eat with them and
observed they were friendly we apoligised & proceeded on under a Double
reafed Sale--the Chief on board threw out to those that ran up Small
pieces of Tobacco & told them to go back and open thier ears, We Saw
great number of white guls--refresh the party with whiskey, in the
evening we Saw 2 Indians at a Distance, The boat turned by accident &
was nearly filling and rocked verry much, allarmed the Indian Chief on
board who ran and hid himself, we landed & the Indian express a wish to
return, we gave him a Blanket Knife & Some tobacco and advised him to
keep his men away, we camped on a Sand bar. verry Cold & windy-
[Clark, September 30, 1804]
30th of Septr. Sunday 1804.
Set out this morning early had not proceeded on far before we
discovered an Indn. running after us, he came up with us at 7 oClock &
requested to come on bord and go up to the recorees we refused to take
any of that band on board if he chose to proceed on Shore it was verry
well Soon after I discovered on the hills at a great distance great
numbers of Indians which appeared to be makeing to the river above us,
we proceeded on under a Double reafed Sail, & Some rain at 9 oClock
observed a large band of Indians the Same which I had before Seen on
the hills incamping on the bank the L. S. we Came too on a Sand bar
Brackfast & proceeded on & cast the ancher opposit their Lodgs. at
about 100 yards distand, and informed the Indians which we found to be
a part of the Band we had before Seen, that took them by the hand and
Sent to each Chief a Carrot of tobacco, as we had been treated badly by
Some of the band below, after Staying 2 days for them, we Could not
delay any time, & refured them to Mr. Duron for a full account of us
and to here our talk Sent by him to the Tetons, those were verry
Selecitious for us to land and eate with them, that they were friendly
&c. &. we appoligised & proceeded on, Sent the peroge to Shore above
with the Tobacco & Delivd. it to a Soldr. of the Chief with us Several
of them ran up the river, the Chf. on board threw then out a Small
twist of Tobacco & told them to go back & open ther ears. they recved
the Tobacco & returned to their lodges--we Saw great numbers of white
guls this day is cloudy & rainey--refresh the men with a glass of
whisky after Brackfast.
we Saw about 6 miles above 2 Indians who came to the bank and looked at
us a about 1/2 an hour & went over the hills to the S W. we proceeded
on under a verry Stiff Breeze from the S., the Stern of the boat got
fast on a log and the boat turned & was verry near filling before we
got her righted, the waves being verry high, The Chief on board was So
fritined at the motion of the boat which in its rocking caused Several
loose articles to fall on the Deck from the lockers, he ran off and hid
himself, we landed he got his gun and informed us he wished to return,
that all things were Cleare for us to go on we would not See any more
Tetons &c. we repeated to him what had been Said before and advised him
to keep his men away, gave him a blanket a Knife & Some Tobacco, Smokd
a pipe & he Set out. we also Set Sale and Came to at a Sand bar, &
Camped, a verrey Cold evening, all on our guard
Part I: Journal Entries of October 1804
- Details
- Written by: Meriwether Lewis and and William Clark
- Category: The Journals of Lewis and Clark 1804-1806