November 1



November 2



November 3

1762 — France cedes Louisiana to Spain. On the same day, all the region east of the Mississippi, except the island of New Orleans, was yielded, by the treaty of Fontainebleau, to England by France. The navigation of the Mississippi River was to be free to both parties. The sovereignty of the eastern half of North America, from Hudson's Bay to the Gulf of Mexico, is vested in the British crown.— Louisiana contains about 10,000 inhabitants.— M. D'Abbadie, Director-General of Louisiana, grants to a company of merchants, of whom Pierre Laclede Liguest was the leader, the exclusive right of trade with the Indians on the Missouri. 


November 4

1838 – Potawatomi Trail of Death ends in Kansas. Under the Indian Removal Act, 859 Potawatomi people were forced to walk more than 600 miles to Kansas. As many as 90 different tribes were removed to Kansas in the mid-19th century, and hundreds of native people lost their lives during their first few years here.


November 5



November 6



November 7

1825 — Treaty with the Shawnees. The United States give them a tract of land equal to fifty miles square, situated west of the State of Missouri. (Treaty of St. Louis


November 8



November 9

1723 – The French erected Fort Orleans on the Missouri River under the command of Etienne Veniard de Bourgmont.It was garrisoned with 40 French soldiers. 


November 10



November 11



November 12



November 13



November 14



November 15



November 16



November 17



November 18



November 19



November 20



November 21

1855, the so-called Wakarusa War began in Douglas County when a proslavery settler, Franklin Coleman, shot and killed a Free-Stater, Charles W. Dow, with whom Coleman had long been engaged in a feud that was unrelated to local or national politics. 


November 22



November 23



November 24



November 25



November 26

1832 — By a supplemental article to the Kickapoo treaty it is agreed that the boundary lines of the lands assigned to the Kickapoos "shall begin on the Delaware line, where said line crosses the left branch of Salt creek, thence down said creek to the Missouri river, thence up the Missouri river thirty miles, when measured on a straight line, thence westwardly to a point twenty miles from the Delaware line, so as to include in the lands assigned to the Kickapoos at least twelve hundred square miles." 


November 27



November 28

1840 - Treaty with the Miami


November 29

1854 – The first election was held in Kansas. Pro-slavery Missourians flooded the state to vote, where armed pro-slavery advocates intimidated voters and stuffed ballot boxes. Andrew H. Reeder was elected as the first territorial governor of Kansas.


November 30