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Coffey County lies in longitude eighteen west from Washington and in eight-eight north latitude. It is bounded on the north by Osage County, on the east by Franklin and Anderson counties, on the south by Woodson County, and on the west by Lyon and Greenwood counties. The general surface of the county is undulating, and 13 per cent of the territory is bottom land, 87 per cent upland, 8 per cent forest and 92 per cent prairie.

The average width of the bottoms is two miles. The average width of the timber belts is one and one-quarter miles, and the varieties of the timber are hickory, walnut, ash, oak, sycamore, cottonwood and hackberry. Coal underlies a large portion of the area of the county. The quality is good and the average thickness of the veins is fifteen inches. Lime and sandstone of good quality are found throughout the county, and fine flagging stone is obtained in Rock Creek and Neosho townships.

SourceCutler's History of the State of Kansas

County Seat:Burlington

Date organized:1859

County History:

  1. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas, Coffey County 
  2. History of Burlington, Kansas 

Historic Landmarks, State, National:

  1. Flint Hills National Wildlife Refuge
  2. John Redmond Reservoir
  3. County Historical Society:
  4. Coffey County Historical Society and Museum | Facebook 

Websites about the county:

  1. Coffey County Government
  2. City of Burlington, Kansas 
  3. City of Gridley, Kansas 
  4. City of Lebo, Kansas 
  5. City of LeRoy,Kansas 
  6. City of New Strawn, Kansas 
  7. City of Waverly, Kansas