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Butler the largest organized county in the State, may well be called 'the State of Butler.' Within it lines lies more territory than that of some of the Eastern States, while its arable land amounts to nearly as much as that of two of the smaller ones. From north to south it stretches forty-two miles, and from east to west thirty-four and a half; making a total area of about one million acres. It is named in honor of Andrew P. Butler, for twelve years United States Senator from South Carolina. Source: Cutler's History of the state of Kansas 


County Seat: El Dorado, Kansas

Date organizedFebruary 11, 1859

County History:

  1. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas, Butler County 
  2. History of Butler County on the County Website 
  3. 82nd Airborne Division 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment WWII Re-enactors on Facebook 

Historic Landmarks, State, National:

C.N. James Trading Post, Augusta, Kansas

County Historical Society:

  1. Butler County History Center and Kansas Oil Museum  Facebook page 
  2. Augusta, Kansas Historical Society | Facebook page
  3. World War II History Center Foundation | Facebook 
  4. Prairie Rose |Silver Screen Cowboy Museum Facebook 

Websites about the county:

  1. Butler County Government website 
  2. Butler County Attractions 
  3. City of El Dorado, Kansas